Initiative will benefit 1,700 students and young professionals throughout the Americas.
San Jose, 26 September 2019 (IICA) – The Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) launched the first call for scholarship applications within the framework of their recent agreement, which will make available 1,700 scholarships for students and young professionals in 34 countries of the Americas.
Under the agreement between FUNIBER and IICA, which was signed in July, each IICA member country will receive 50 partial scholarships annually for online programs in various fields such as health and nutrition, environmental management, business and agricultural engineering, to name a few.
The scholarships for undergraduate and doctoral programs will cover 60% of academic costs, whereas the Masters’ scholarships will cover 75%. The benefit will not cover enrollment fees nor fees for the issuance of university diplomas.
The purpose of the agreement is to boost private-sector participation in the development and implementation of public policies and institutional frameworks that contribute to driving development.
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IICA Center for Knowledge Management and Horizontal Cooperation Services