The platform provides access to academic periodicals and other resources dealing with a range of subjects in science and the humanities.
San José, 27 May 2019 (IICA). The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) has acquired the EBSCO specialized database for one year, in partnership with the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE).
The platform provides access to academic periodicals and other resources dealing with a range of subjects in science and the humanities. Articles, ebooks, audiobooks and videos are just some of the types of support material that can be consulted.
EBSCO is managed through IICA’s Center for Knowledge Management and Horizontal Cooperation Services (CKMHCS) and represents an investment of USD 10 thousand.
The Institute has access to the following databases:
- Academic Search Complete: Leading resource for scholarly research.
- AGRICOLA: Contains more than 5.2 million citations of bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Library.
- Biological & Agricultural Index Plus (H.W. Wilson): Provides full-text articles related to biological and agricultural studies and other related topics, such as agroindustry, veterinary medicine and wildlife management.
- Business Source Complete: Comprehensive full-text coverage, indexing, and summaries of the most important scholarly business journals, dating back to 1886.
- eBook Subscription Academic Collection – (Worldwide): Contains approximately 150,000 multidisciplinary ebooks.
- Fuente Académica Plus: Offers academic content in Spanish and in Portuguese.
EBSCO can be accessed at the following link, by logging into your user profile with your institutional email address and the password bibliotecasiica.
More information:
Francisco Melo, Coordinator of Knowledge Management and Horizontal Cooperation, IICA