Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Agricultura Cambio climático

Panel of experts on the effects of the drought in the Dominican Republic

Agricultura Cambio climático

Panel of experts on the effects of the drought in the Dominican Republic

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The panel was held within the framework of the television program, ContraPunto, and brought together experts from the environmental and agricultural area to discuss the impacts of the drought on communities and the agricultural sector

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, April 2019 (IICA). At the beginning of April 2019, the Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change of the IICA Office in the Dominican Republic participated in a panel of environmental experts to discuss the effects of the drought that has been affecting the Dominican Republic in the last six months. Also participating were Mr. Luis Carvajal, Environmentalist and member of the Academy of Sciences of the Dominican Republic and Mr. Martín Meléndez, Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Hydraulic Resources of the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (INTEC).

This panel was developed within the framework of the television program ContraPunto, which is transmitted weekly by the Supercanal 33, and whose theme for that delivery focused on the effects of the drought in the Dominican Republic.

In the discussion, the experts analyzed the sectors affected by the period of drought, as well as the social, economic and environmental impacts generated by the phenomenon. Likewise, they discussed the role of the mechanisms of climate projection that the Dominican Republic has for the adoption of measures to prevent serious consequences generated by drought. Finally, the experts expressed their opinions on the empowerment of the State and citizens for the conservation of natural resources, especially water resources.

You can access the delivery of the program in this link



More information: Gina Rosario, Specialist in Climate Change, Agriculture and Natural Resources,




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