IICA, as a preferred partner of the Ministry of Agriculture, will guide its support in this important area for national food security

agencies in the livestock sector
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, March 2019 (IICA). As part of the permanent technical cooperation activities provided by IICA Dominican Republic to the Ministry of Agriculture, at the beginning of March, Mr. Osmar Benítez summoned various national institutions and international organizations to form part of an Ad Hoc Committee, led by the Ministry of Agriculture to coordinate activities aimed at strengthening Dominican livestock industry.
The General Directorate of Livestock, MEGALECHE, CONALECHE, PROGANA Project, Climatically Intelligent Livestock Project, among other initiatives, carry out actions and activities in the country that require adequate coordination to avoid duplication of time and resources, as well as to provide an effective support to small-scale livestock, mainly.
Within the main areas that were defined by the Ministry of Agriculture, are: 1. Animal Health, 2. Reproduction and Animal Genetics, 3. Infrastructure, 4. Animal Nutrition and 5. Processing and Marketing.
Given the history of IICA in the Dominican Republic, Mr. Frank Lam, IICA Representative in the country, committed himself to the Minister of Agriculture to provide support to two of the identified areas: Animal Health and Processing and Commercialization. For this, in the coming weeks a Work Plan will be presented to be implemented during 2019.
More information: Frank Lam, Representative in the Dominican Republic, frank.lam@iica.int