Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


Resilient agriculture and watershed management project is in its final formulation starge


Resilient agriculture and watershed management project is in its final formulation starge

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The project aims to promote the sustainable management of productive agroecosystems, improve the resilience of hydraulic infrastructures and increase the quality and access to water-related services

Closing meeting of the World Bank mission

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, November 2018 (IICA). In the last week of November, a World Bank support mission visited the Dominican Republic to work on the final formulation details of the Project for Resilient Agriculture and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Yaque del Norte and Ozama-Isabela Basins. This project will impact more than 2 million people, directly and indirectly, including agricultural producers, domestic water users, and vulnerable groups to natural disasters, among others.

Within the framework of the agenda exhausted by this mission, technical meetings were held with the institutions that will execute this project, with the purpose of preparing the operational manual, discuss the budget, as well as the implementation framework of the components of this project. Also, the support mission made a field visit to one of the facilities of the National Institute of Drinking Water and Sewerage (INAPA), in Valverde, Mao.

During the closing meeting of the mission, held on November 30, the Minister of Economy, Planning and Development, Isidoro Santana, reaffirmed his commitment for the project to be approved and to begin its implementation as soon as possible. In this regard, IICA Representative in the Dominican Republic, Mr. Frank Lam, reiterated the support offered by the IICA-FAO alliance for the implementation of this project, through the technical cooperation offered by both institutions.

The technical team working in the formulation of the project is comprised by four national institutions: the National Institute of Water Resources (INDRHI), the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Institute of Drinking Water and Sewerage (INAPA). These efforts are coordinated under the leadership of the Coordination Table for Water of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD).


More information: Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change, 


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