Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Cambio climático

IICA-DR Specialist participates as a panelist at a Regional Expo on National Adaptation Plans in Panama

Cambio climático

IICA-DR Specialist participates as a panelist at a Regional Expo on National Adaptation Plans in Panama

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The planning processes for adaptation to climate change are key to the resilience of countries

Panama City, Panama, October 2018 (IICA). During October 22 and 23, Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change of the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic participated as a panelist in the Regional Exhibition on National Adaptation Plans for Latin America (NAP EXPO 2018 ), held in Panama.

The NAP EXPO 2018 was a platform to facilitate the interaction and exchange among countries, organizations and institutions in the formulation and implementation of the National Adaptation Plans (NAP). The Expo linked innovative approaches in the planning processes of climate change adaptation through plenary sessions and thematic panels in the areas of agriculture, health, participation and financing.

Mrs. Rosario participated as a panelist in the Panel “Leaving no one behind – Participation and gender and youth” whose objective was to present the value of participation and social inclusion in the planning of adaptation from a gender, youth and indigenous communities perspective. In her presentation, Gina Rosario talked about the importance of including youth in the decision-making processes on climate change and highlighted the vulnerability that young people have to the effects of climate change.

IICA was also represented at the event with Manuel Pitre, Specialist in Innovation and Technology of the IICA Delegation in Panama and Kathya Fajardo, Project Specialist at the IICA Headquarters, who moderated a Dialogue on Adaptation in the theme “Participatory Analysis in Central and South America on planning for adaptation to climate change in agriculture”.

This event was organized by UN Environment through its Regatta initiative, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Ministry of Environment of Panama. The event also included the support of the Joint Environment Program -UNDP of Global Support to the National Adaptation Plans (NAP-GSP), the Government of Spain, the EUROCLIMA program and the Climate Technology Center and Network (CTCN).


More information: Gina Rosario, Specialist in Climate Change, Agriculture and Natural Resources,






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