Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Agricultura Cambio climático Tecnologías de la información y comunicación

National Agricultural Fair 2018: IICA Dominican Republic shared its main results

Agricultura Cambio climático Tecnologías de la información y comunicación

National Agricultural Fair 2018: IICA Dominican Republic shared its main results

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

In the event, different actors and institutions of the agricultural sector converged to present their products, services and technologies in favor of the development of this important sector

School students visiting the IICA Stand at the Fair

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, March 2018 (IICA). From 09 to 18 March 2018, the Livestock City served as a stage for thousands of people to meet at the 2018 National Agricultural Fair, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Livestock Board. This year’s theme of the Fair, “United for Food Sovereignty and the Promotion of Agro-Exports” adds to the efforts made by the Dominican Republic to promote exports of agricultural products produced in the Dominican Republic. Emphasis was also placed on the promotion of safety in agricultural production.

As usual, the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic participated in the Fair with an information stand where the public was informed about the institution, its objectives, the projects that are currently being executed to promote the agricultural development of the Dominican Republic and the main results achieved in recent years. The stand was visited by professionals from the agricultural sector, students, and people interested in learning about IICA’s mission.

Gina Rosario talking about climate change
adaptation in the agricultural sector

Additionally, the IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic gave two talks on the topics of “Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change in the Dominican Republic”, by Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change, and “Challenges of coffee production in the face of a changing climate”, given by Amadeo Escarramán, Project Coordinator of the “Dominican Republic Component of the Integrated Program for Roya Management in Central America (PROCAGICA-RD)”.

The event, which takes place every year, gathered a large number of institutions, associations of producers, cooperatives, among others, who showed the different crops and livestock produced in the country, as well as companies that presented their services and technological innovations provided to the agricultural sector. In this edition, the National Agricultural Fair also served as a space for visitors to acquire local agricultural products, as well as to enjoy different activities such as exhibition and judging of livestock, cultural presentations, among others.


More information: Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change,


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