Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Cambio climático

IICA trains 228 extension agents from the Ministry of Agriculture in soil and water conservation

Cambio climático

IICA trains 228 extension agents from the Ministry of Agriculture in soil and water conservation

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

These trainings contributed to strengthen the extension system of the Ministry of Agriculture for the implementation of the National Service of Soil Conservation (SNCS)



Group photo of the participants in the workshop of the Northeast
Regional Office, in San Francisco de Macoris

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, December 05, 2017 (IICA). The eight regional workshops carried out within the framework of the “Training Programme for Extension Agents of the Ministry of Agriculture for the implementation of the National Soil Conservation Service (SNCS)” were successfully completed at the beginning of December. A total number of 228 extension agents from the Ministry of Agriculture participated in these workshops from the Northwest, North, Central, South, South-West, North-Central, Northeast and East Regional Offices, who were trained in topics such as Farmer Field Schools, Soil and Water Conservation, Agroforestry, Sustainable Livestock and Watershed Management.

At the end of the workshops the participants were grateful that the agricultural extension system has been strengthened in such important issues. They expressed that they now have practical and innovative knowledge to provide better technical assistance to producers in their respective areas of work.

These regional workshops were carried out by the IICA Dominican Republic Delegation through a Rapid Response Action (RRA) within the framework of the project “Catalyzing a multi-sectoral program to support water and soil management in the light of climate change in the Dominican Republic”, which is being implemented along with the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO).

In 2018, the activities under this Rapid Response Action (RRA) will be focused in the preparation of project proposals on sustainable livestock and greenhouse gas sequestration, in partnership with the National Council for the Development and Regulation of the Dairy Industry (CONALECHE).

Participants at the Southwest Regional Office in San Juan de la Maguana


More information: Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change, 


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