Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


IICA Dominican Republic Delegation executes a project on export of fresh products to the United States


IICA Dominican Republic Delegation executes a project on export of fresh products to the United States

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

These first two workshops, of a total of four, will serve as a platform for the strengthening of knowledge and to receive up-to-date information to improve the development of technical assistance activities offered by technicians of the Ministry of Agriculture to producers organizations and national export companies of fresh products to the United States

Santiago de los Caballeros, Dom. Rep., November 2017 (IICA). Within the framework of the project “Updating the standards, processes, regulations and requirements for the export of fresh products to the United States of America”, which is being executed by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) with funds from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); two “Workshops for the updating of standards, processes, regulations and requirements for the export of fresh products to the United States of America for the strengthening of the extension agents of the Ministry of Agriculture” were carried out in November.

The first workshop was held from November 8-10 at the ISA University of Santiago de los Caballeros with the participation of 34 extension agents from the Northwest, North, North Central and Northeast Regional Offices of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The second workshop took place from November 29 to December 1 at the Center for Integral Training of Family and Youth (CEFIJUFA) in Santo Domingo, with the participation of 35 extension agents from the South, Southwest, Central and East Regional Offices of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The main purpose of this project is to update the technical personnel from public and private institutions on the standards, processes, regulations and current requirements for the export of fresh agricultural products to the United States of America (training the trainers).

The agenda of these workshops includes seven sessions; namely: Conceptualization of agricultural businesses, opportunities of national agriculture, benefits and risks of exporting, the ABC of agricultural exports, US market, requirements of national regulations and standards, Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and the requirements of the US market. These sessions were facilitated by national and international specialists, from different institutions such as IICA and the Food Safety Department of the Ministry of Agriculture.

More information: Hector Garibaldis Pérez,

                                   Specialist in Agribusiness



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