Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura

Mercados agropecuarios

IICA and MEPyD Initiate Two Technical Cooperation Agreements In The Dominican Republic

Mercados agropecuarios

IICA and MEPyD Initiate Two Technical Cooperation Agreements In The Dominican Republic

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The agreements include the update of the technical staff of public and private institutions on current regulations for the export of fresh agricultural products to the United States and the strengthening of the phytosanitary surveillance mechanism for Moniliasis in Cocoa in the Dominican Republic.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, September 2017 (IICA). Within the framework of the Program for the Strengthening of the Agricultural Export Capacities of the Dominican Republic, the IICA Representation in the Dominican Republic and the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD), have initiated two technical cooperation agreements, including the development of two projects, namely: “the Update of Norms, Processes, Regulations and Requirements for the Export of Fresh Products to the United States of America” and “Strengthening the Capacity for Monitoring and Response of Phytosanitary Emergency to the Introduction of Moniliasis (Moniliophthora roreri) of the Cocoa in the Dominican Republic “.

The project Update of Norms, Processes, Regulations and Requirements for the export of fresh products to the United States, seeks to provide technical support to public and private institutions in the country related to the promotion of agro-exports, since the agroexport sector requires a constant updating of the norms, processes, regulations and requirements demanded by the United States market, due to the constant changes that this market faces.

On the other hand, the project Strengthening the Capacity of Monitoring and Response of Phytosanitary Emergency is justified because organic cocoa is one of the main products of agricultural export in the Dominican Republic, being this country the number one of the most important exporters of this product worldwide and that generates approximately US $ 261 million (2015), according to reports from the Ministry of Agriculture.

The implementation of both initiatives is scheduled to take place during the last quarter of 2017.












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