Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura


IICA Representative Frank Lam participated in the Forum on Food Security with the National Federation of Merchants and Employers of the Dominican Republic (FENACERD)


IICA Representative Frank Lam participated in the Forum on Food Security with the National Federation of Merchants and Employers of the Dominican Republic (FENACERD)

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.


IICA Representative Frank Lam participated in the Forum on Food Security with the National Federation of Merchants and Employers of the Dominican Republic (FENACERD)


IICA Representative Frank Lam participated in the Forum on Food Security with the National Federation of Merchants and Employers of the Dominican Republic (FENACERD)

IICA was invited to the Forum on Food Security organized by the National Federation of Merchants and Employers of the Dominican Republic (FENACERD) where Mr. Frank Lam, Representative IICA in the Dominican Republic shared information on the Flagship Projects related to food security and family agriculture in which IICA is working at the regional and hemispheric levels.

In that sense, he added that the topic of food safety and the strengthening of the agricultural chains are a priority for the Institute within the IICA Country Strategy (ICS), so IICA is analyzing how they are can materialize the technical cooperation with this institution of the private sector of Dominican Republic.


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