Following the signature of the Delegation Agreement between the Representation of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the Delegation of the European Union in the Dominican Republic (DUE-RD), the Dominican Republic Component of the Central American Management Program Integral of Coffee Rust (PROCAGICA-RD); In January 2017, the activities of this project were started.
Following the signature of the Delegation Agreement between the Representation of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the Delegation of the European Union in the Dominican Republic (DUE-RD), the Dominican Republic Component of the Central American Management Program Integral of Coffee Rust (PROCAGICA-RD); In January 2017, the activities of this project were started.
One of the first activities carried out was the visit to the Intervention Zone by members of the Technical and Advisory Committee of PROCAGICA-RD, composed of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture (MA), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MIMARENA), Delegation of the European Union in the Dominican Republic, General Directorate of Multilateral Cooperation (DIGECOOM), Dominican Coffee Council (CODOCAFE) and logically by IICA Representatives who chairs the committee.
The objective of this visit was to inform about the project and to know the situation of the production of coffee in the said zones to be intervened by the PROCAGICA-RD; As well as to know their potential beneficiaries, their production structures and the levels of organizations to which they belong; Among other institutions and projects carried out in the communities.
Another of the activities initiated by PROCAGICA-RD has been the call for competition through the press and virtual media of the professional staff that will make up the Project Coordinating Unit (UCP).