The PROCINORTE platform conducts its agenda through 4 task forces, 2 of which were engaged in programmed activities during the past quarter.
Ottawa, ON. The Tree Fruit Task Force presented a paper at the 4th Avocado Congress Jalisco on August 24th to 26th, where research activities on a non-destructive tool to assess avocado maturity/dry matter was shared with industry representatives. Additionally, the Plant Health Task Force participated in the 2016 International Congress of Entomology, an event which takes place every four years, attracting over 7000 professionals in Entomology. Its presentation entitled: A Trilateral Effort against Invasive Species of North American Agriculture was among over 5000 technical presentations at the Congress.
The following is a list of PROCINORTE’s upcoming events for the last quarter of 2016:
PROCINORTE is the Cooperative Program in Research and Technology for the Northern Region that carries out a joint programme of activities of trilateral interest to Mexico, USA and Canada through 4 Task Forces in Genetic Resources, Tree Fruits, Plant Health and Animal Health.
The IICA Delegation in Canada serves the Secretariat.
For further information, contact PROCINORTE Secretariat (