The IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic has taken a new approach with the private agricultural organizations in the country and has been having various meetings with the clear objective to coordinate efforts with these instances in which IICA can offer all its technical cooperation.
The IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic has taken a new approach with the private agricultural organizations in the country and has been having various meetings with the clear objective to coordinate efforts with these instances in which IICA can offer all its technical cooperation.
Given the importance of the cocoa value chain in the Dominican Republic, IICA jointly with the National Cocoa Commission, have encouraged the participation of different institutions and cooperation agencies, in order to work together and develop strategies to strengthen of the leading institutions in the sector and the farming organizations.
One of those activities was the project proposal development to seek grant funds from the German government, which aims to implement strategic activities of adaptation to climate change, improvement in production and quality of life of farmers and reducing loss ecosystems and sustainable management of productive areas.