Topics like good agricultural practices and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) procedures were discussed.
Haiti. A good agricultural practices workshop facilitated by Carol Thomas, International Agricultural Health and Food Safety Specialist from IICA Barbados’ Office, was held at IICA’s Meeting Room in Nassau.
Twenty five participants from Ministry of Agriculture & Marine Resources (MAMR), Extension Officers, Bahamas Agriculture & Marine Institute (BAMSI), College of the Bahamas (COB), Bahamas Agricultural Forum for Youth (BAFY) and a another Family Island participant attended the Workshop.
Good agricultural practices and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) procedures were among the topics discussed. Day one was classroom session, on day two the theory was put into practice as we visited a packing house and assessed several local farms.
The final day a discussion was held on what was seen and how to apply good agricultural practices. At the end participants were awarded a certificate of participation in Good Agricultural Practices.
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