Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


For the development and implementation of its technical cooperation model, IICA has a group of high-level advisers who provide professional guidance in the conceptual development and implementation of the main tasks and programmatic objectives. Their areas of expertise include: international trade, bioeconomy, territorial development and family farming; circular agriculture and climate change, among others. Due to their international experience, they also provide general guidance and advice on technical cooperation, contribute directly to the strengthening of our strategic alliances and, fundamentally, actively collaborate in achieving the knowledge management that the Institute leads and is fundamental in the current cooperation model.

Hemispheric Programs Advisory Group



Ingeniero Agrónomo. Obtuvo el Magíster Scientiae en Economía Agraria y realizó los cursos del Doctorado del Tercer Ciclo en la Universidad de París – Sorbonne. Economista agrícola, con experiencia en proyectos, competitividad y negociaciones internacionales. Coordinador Académico y Profesor en el Centro de Educación Empresaria de la Universidad de San Andrés y Profesor en la Maestría en Agronegocios y Alimentos de la UBA. Ha sido profesor de posgrado en la UNER, la Universidad Nacional del Sur y en el Programa de Agronegocios Frutícolas en Río Negro. Se desempeña como consultor independiente y administrador de establecimientos agropecuarios. Ha sido consultor de organismos nacionales e internacionales (CFI, PNUD, OEA, CEPAL, IICA, BID, BANCO MUNDIAL, FIDA, la Comisión Europea, FAO, USAID, CIMMYT y CIAT).



Doctor en Ingeniería Química, Aston University, Birmingham, Reino Unido. Maestría en Ingeniería Mecánica, Universidad Federal de Pará, Belém, Brasil. Con amplia experiencia en Tecnología Ambiental, Concepto de producción y biorrefinería de biocombustibles, Conversión térmica de biomasa, Equilibrio químico, Energía renovable, Simulación de procesos (Aspen Plus), Eficiencia energética, Producción de hidrógeno a partir de hidrocarburos, Procesos de captura de CO2, Flujo reactivo en tecnologías de reactores de lecho fijo y fluidizado, Escenarios de prospectiva energética.



Ingeniero Agrícola, Doctor en Economía Agrícola, con experiencia en los campos económico, comercial, y gerencial en la agricultura. Entre 1987 y 1993 fue Director del Programa de Políticas del IICA y desde 1994 es el Gerente de Servicios Internacionales para el Desarrollo Empresarial y Gerente de Corporación Ganadera Los Laureles, así como consultor para gobiernos, empresas, organizaciones del sector privado y organismos internacionales.



Magister en Economía Agraria por The Pennsylvania State University y Economista de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). Actualmente es Investigadora Principal del Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP) y consultora para diversos organismos internacionales. Fue Ministra de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social entre los años 2011 y 2013. Miembro del Directorio de KUNAN y de Sembrando Juntos, es miembro del Consejo Directivo de la Asociación Civil Transparencia, Proética y Sepia. A nivel internacional es miembro del Directorio de Busara Center for Behavioral Economics, del Comité consultivo de la iniciativa ID4D (Banco Mundial) y preside el Comité Asesor Internacional de RIMISP. Es miembro del Comité Consultivo de Aequales y de la Facultad de Gestión de la PUCP. Es miembro de la Comisión Consultiva para la Estimación de la Pobreza del INEI y del Consejo Fiscal del Perú. Es columnista de la sección economía de El Comercio y miembro del comité editorial de Hacer Perú.



Doctor Ingeniero Agrónomo por la Universidad de Córdoba (España). Profesor titular de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos y de Montes (ETSIAM) de la Universidad de Córdoba. Becario del Consejo Superior de Investigación Científicas de España. Profesor Extraordinario de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Veterinaria y Forestales de la Universidad de Chile. Autor de numerosas publicaciones en temas relacionados con la producción animal, el medio ambiente y desarrollo rural y, así mismo, de proyectos I+D. Subdirector de Relaciones Exteriores de la Escuela técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos y de Montes (ETSIAM) y responsable de los programas de intercambio de estudiantes y profesores Erasmus y Tempus.



Maestría y Doctorado en Ciencias del Suelo y del Agua. Universidad de California en Davis. Profesora visitante en la Universidad de Stanford, California. 1997-1998. Interés de investigación y estudio: procesos de desarrollo institucional, relaciones Estado-sociedad civil, rendición de cuentas pública y transparencia gubernamental; y también de la Universidad de Berkeley. 1998-1999. Interés del estudio: gestión sostenible del agua; procedimientos de evaluación de impacto ambiental en América Latina, economía del agua. 25 años de experiencia en programas y proyectos de evaluación y seguimiento.



Maestría Ejecutiva en Administración de Empresas de la Universidad de las Indias Occidentales. Licenciatura en Ciencias Naturales y un Diploma en Educación. Se desempeñó como Especialista Internacional en Sanidad Agropecuaria e Inocuidad de Alimentos del IICA en la Oficina de Barbados. Coordinó las acciones de sanidad agrícola y seguridad alimentaria del IICA para el Caribe y colaboró con diversas agencias de cooperación técnica en la Región del Caribe. Sus áreas de especialización incluyen medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias y temas relacionados, seguridad alimentaria, buenas prácticas agrícolas, desarrollo de capacidades y modernización institucional. Actualmente se encuentra jubilada del IICA y está disponible para consultorías de corto plazo en las diversas áreas mencionadas anteriormente.



Maestría en Ciencias – Universidad de Economía Agrícola de Arizona. Consejera principal en la Organización Mundial del Comercio, Ginebra, Suiza. Secretaria del Comité MSF, Directora Adjunta de la División de Agricultura y Productos Básicos. Responsable de supervisar todos los aspectos de la labor de la OMC relacionados con la aplicación del Acuerdo sobre la Aplicación de Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias (Acuerdo MSF).



Es licenciado en Economía, con una Maestría en Ciencias y estudios de doctorado de la University of Wisconsin, con una especialización en Economía Agrícola, Desarrollo Rural y Economía Internacional. Además, cuenta con un doctorado de la University of South Africa, Pretoria. Es Profesor Emérito en la división de Humanidades del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey- Campus Ciudad de México (ITESM). Exasesor del Presidente de la República Mexicana en materia de desarrollo agropecuario (1967-1970). Ha sido Embajador de México ante Corea del Sur, Sudáfrica y Uruguay; Embajador, Representante Permanente de México ante la ALADI y Subsecretario de Fomento y Normatividad Ambiental (Semarnat).



Exministro de Servicios Públicos, Información, Radiodifusión, Desarrollo Sostenible, Energía, Ciencia y Tecnología de Santa Lucía de 2011 a 2016. Director Gerente en Soloricon Ltd; Director de Desarrollo Social y Sostenible de la Secretaría de la Organización de Estados del Caribe Oriental (OECO); Secretario de Gabinete del Gabinete del Gobierno de Santa Lucía; Secretario Permanente del Ministerio de Agricultura, Silvicultura y Pesca. Sus especialidades incluyen: políticas públicas, políticas agrícolas, análisis de políticas, administración pública, planificación estratégica, desarrollo rural, gestión ambiental, desarrollo humano y social, desarrollo de capacidades, desarrollo sostenible, gestión de proyectos, cambio climático, investigación cualitativa, análisis de datos, desarrollo internacional, gobierno, gobernanza, diplomacia y relaciones Internacionales.



Posgrado de Alta Dirección en Agronegocios y Alimentos. FAUBA – Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires Argentina. Edición Rosario – SF. Ingeniera Agrónoma. Universidad Nacional de Rosario – Santa Fe Argentina. Asesora del Consejo Empresario Asesor de la Fundación Libertad Rosario – SF. Fundadora y miembro del Directorio de la Asociación MANÁ – Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe, ONG con articulación público/privada – Centro de la Red CONIN, Prevención de la Desnutrición y Promoción Humana. Fundadora y miembro del Directorio del Banco de Alimentos Venado Tuerto (BAVT) – Red Argentina Bancos de Alimentos – The Global Foodbanking Network ( Miembro del Consejo de Administración de la Fundación CONIN Mendoza, Argentina (



Especialista en relaciones económicas internacionales, derecho del comercio internacional e integración económica. Doctor en Derecho en la Universidad de Madrid. Director del Instituto de Comercio Internacional de la Fundación ICBC ( Subsecretario de Comercio Exterior del Ministerio de Economía de la Argentina y miembro titular del Grupo Mercado Común del Mercosur. Ha integrado la lista de árbitros por la Argentina del mecanismo de solución de controversias del Mercosur – Protocolo de Olivos, del CIADI y de la OMC.

Technical Specialist Network

Bioeconomy and Production Development


Ms. Pittaluga is an economist and graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Administration (FCEA-Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Uruguay), with an M.Sc. in Economic Development from the Institut d’étude du développement économique et social Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne- Universidad de Picardie, France. She is a Professor of Innovation Economics (Master’s level) and of Economic Development Theories (undergraduate level) at the FCEA and has been an Associate Professor at the Institute of Economics, FCEA, UdelaR, since July 2019. 

She is a specialist in production development and technological innovation and has provided research and consultancy services for ECLAC, UNESCO, IDB, World Bank and UNDP. She was formerly the Deputy Director of the Budget and Planning Office (OPP); an advisor to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining; a Director of the National Innovation and Research Agency; an advisor on Inclusive Growth to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and a coordinator and researcher for the economic development research team at the Institute of Economics (FCEA).


Pharmaceutical Chemist, M.Sc. Mr. Aramendis has twenty-nine years of experience in both the public and private sectors, leading and supporting innovation and technology transfer in biotechnology and agrifood companies, specifically in matters related to intellectual property rights (IPRs), access to genetic resources, biosecurity and international negotiation in relation to the environment. Topic areas include biological diversity, the Cartagena Protocol on Biosecurity and Andean Decisions on Industrial Property. He has also been an advisor on scientific issues to government institutions, academia and the private sector.

He has had public sector experience in development (more than 10 years) at COLCIENCIAS (Colombian Institute of Science and Technology) and private sector experience (14 years) in multinational and regional agrifood companies (in the seed, agrochemical, transgenic, sugar and biofuel industries).

He is currently a partner in a consultancy firm, supporting public and private sector efforts in areas such as science, technology and innovation (for international and national clients).


Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana  (Bogotá, Colombia); corresponding member of the Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Honorary Fellow of the Scientific Committee of  la Fondazione Scuola Medica Salernitana (Italy); Visiting Professor for the Doctorate in Bioethics program at the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino and the Universidad El Bosque (Colombia); member of the Ad-Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on Risk Assessment and Risk Management under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (Convention on Biological Diversity); and a member of the UNESCO’s World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST). She has a Ph.D. from the University of Nottingham in the areas of Botany and plant genetic manipulation.  Dr. Hodson is also an international consultant for biodiversity, agro- biotechnology and biosafety of GMOs. She has edited more than 19 books, 26 scientific chapters in books and more than 50 scientific articles.  Dr. Hodson is also a part of the Mission of Sages and has newly been appointed as a Chair of IICA.


Food Engineer, Specialist in Corporate Foresight, with a Diploma in Technological Marketing and a Diploma in Incubator and Accelerator Management. Ms. Betancur also holds an M.Sc. in Technology Management and Innovation.    

She is a sectoral expert in innovation, business modelling, entrepreneurship, market intelligence, network and cluster Management, bio-business acceleration and project management, with more than 18 years of applied experience in the agriculture, food, cosmetics, natural ingredients and biotechnology sectors, where she managed public and private sector programs and projects that benefitted more than 300 SMEs in these sectors.

She was a manager and program director in a food technology development center, for 4 years; in the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, for 7 years; and at BIOINTROPIC, for 7 years. She carries out strategic assessments and analyses in the horticulture, natural ingredients, cosmetics, palm, biotechnology and bioeconomy sectors, and has undertaken consultancy assignments for various international agencies, such as UNIDO, CAF, the World Bank and IICA. Ms. Betancur has also attended national and international conferences on innovation in the BIO sectors and was a member of various technology and trade missions in more than 10 international trade fairs. She is an active member of the National Council on Science, Technology and Biotechnology Innovation, as a representative of the private sector; as well as of the National Technical Biotechnology Committee of SENA; the Natural Ingredients and Cosmetics Committee of Andi; working groups in the  Colombia BIO Program, the Red de Centros de Desarrollo de negocios de Ruta N,  and the Biocommerce Ethics Union – UEBT. She is currently the Executive Director of BIOINTROPIC, Colombia’s first accelerator, and innovation and biotechnology business center.


Magister in Economics (Universidad Centro Estudios Macroeconómicos, Argentina). His areas of interest include industrial organization, technology and sectoral analysis. Mr. Bisan is a researcher for the IIEP and a Senior Lecturer in Economics. He was the Coordinator of the 2018 National Agricultural Census and National Director of Statistics for the Primary Sector – National Statistics and Census Institute, INDEC (November 2017 and April 2019). He has served as a consultant for various international organizations (ECLAC, World Bank, IDB, PAHO, WHO, UNIDO, FAO); national organizations (MINAGRO, INTA, MINCYT) and companies.

Territorial Development and Family


M.Sc. in Food and Agribusiness, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, FCA. His areas of focus include institution building, as well as public policies for rural development and family farming. Current position: 2019 – present.  Uruguayan Cooperative Center. Consultant in rural development and institution building, cooperativism and family farming. 2019 – present. Uruguayan Confederation of Cooperatives (CUDECOOP).  Partnership management and fund development.  Relevant positions: 2012-2019. Technical Secretary, Specialized Meeting on Family Farming (REAF).  2007-2012. Member of the Technical Team of the IFAD-MERCOSUR Coordination Unit .


B.Sc. in Political and Administrative Sciences; Public Administrator; and graduate of the Escuela Superior de Administración Pública (ESAP), Colombia. His areas of focus include management of rural territories, family farming, institutional structures for rural development, public planning and policies, rural extension. He is currently an international consultant in Territorial Management; a Visiting Researcher at the Universidad de Córdoba, Spain; and Coordinator of the Territorial Management Network for Rural Development, Mexico.


Agricultural Engineer, Universidad de la República Oriental, Uruguay.  Mr. Ramos holds a Specialist Diploma in Investment Policies for Development, Konrad Adenauer Foundation. His areas of focus include family farming, planning and public policy, and project management.

Current position: 2014 – present. Consultant to the Latin American Center of Human Economics (CLAEH), Uruguay, in the area of Public Policy for Rural Territorial Development. Nov. 2018 – present. Advisor to the regional Territorial Development and Family Farming Program of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). March 2020 – present. Member of the Advisory Council for Food Security in the Americas (IICA).  Relevant positions: 2000 – 2018 Coordinator of IFAD’s Regional Program for MERCOSUR, on Public Policies for Family Farming, Rural Development and Poverty Reduction. 1995 – 2000 Senator Elect of the Republic. 1995 – 1998 Minister of Foreign Affairs, Uruguay. 1990 – 1993 Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, Uruguay. Consultant to the following international organizations: ALADI, IFAD; FAO; IICA; UNIDO; and IDB.


Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences. Thesis topic: Paradigms in Rural Development – from Agriculture to Territories. Universidad de Sao Paulo (UPS), Brazil. 2006. M.S. in Sociology.

Thesis topic: Agricultural Workers – a Study on Union Representation by Brazilian Family Farmers. Universidad Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil. 2001 His areas of focus include territorial planning, rural sociology and public policy. Current position: 2006 – present. Universidad Federal do ABC – UFABC. Adjunct Professor in the Engineering, Modeling and Applied Social Sciences Center and in the Post-graduate Program on Planning and Territorial Development. Relevant positions: 2004 – present. Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning– CEBRAP. Associate Researcher in the Territorial and Socio-environmental Conflicts Cluster, in addition to the Citizenship and Development Cluster. 2018 – present. National School of Public Administration. Collaborator in the Agenda 2030 – Chairs Program and the Sustainable Development Goals Program for three Brazilian biomes.


Industrial engineer and economist, Universidad de los Andes. His areas of focus include territorial development; family farming; research and agricultural extension; agricultural and rural innovation; and public policy. Current position: Executive Director of the Corporation for Participatory and Sustainable Development of Rural Small Farmers (Corporación PBA). Relevant positions: Vice Minister of Agriculture of Colombia,  Board Member of the Mission for Rural Transformation;  Technical Secretary of the Colombian Rural Dialogue Group (Working and Policy Advocacy Group on Development)  and the Andean Rural Dialogue Group (Working and Policy Advocacy Group on Family Farming and Food Security in four Andean countries). General Manager of the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA). Executive Director of the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation (CORPOICA).

International Trade and Regional Integration


Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington D.C., United States. During her 15-year tenure at the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Costa Rica, she served as Ambassador-Chief Negotiator, Vice Minister and Minister of Commerce (20102014). She was also Senior Director of the World Bank’s Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice, where she led the Bank’s agenda on trade, investment climate, competitiveness, entrepreneurship and innovation. Anabel is a member of the Global Future Council on Trade and Investment of the World Economic Forum and has written extensively and given conferences in more than 60 countries. She holds a Bachelor of Laws degree, LL.B., from the University of Costa Rica and a Master of Laws degree, LL.M., from Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C., United States.


Mr. Bianchi is the former Secretary of Industry and Commerce, Undersecretary of Policy and Foreign Trade Management,  Undersecretary of International Economic Relations of the Province of Buenos Aires, General Manager of the National Commission of Foreign Trade and Chief Economist of the National Commission for the Defense of Competition. He has been an instructor at the World Trade Organization and a lecturer at various universities in Argentina. Eduardo is a graduate in Economics from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, with an M.Sc. in Economics from New York University (NYU), United States.

Climate Change, Natural Resources and Management of Production Risks


Bolivian national, with a Ph.D. in Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineering, Dr. Condori has an extensive track record in national and international projects, focusing on various issues, for example, agrometeorology; physiology and crop agronomy; soils and nutrients; Andean agricultural systems and crop modelling. He is currently employed to IICA and is a Post-graduate lecturer at various universities in Bolivia. He previously worked with the PROINPA Foundation, CIP, the Crop Systems and Global Change Laboratory (U.S.), and as a consultant to various organizations, such as the World Bank, Euroclima, the United Nations Development Program, the French National Research Institute for Sustainable  Development (IRD-France), the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ); the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC); and INIAF Bolivia. He speaks five languages.


Dr. Valdivia is an Assistant Professor and Principal Researcher in Applied Economics at Oregon State University. His current research interests include the analysis of agricultural production systems and impact assessment; tradeoff analysis; assessment of the economic, environmental and social impact of policy and technologies; climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation; and the economics of terrestrial and geological carbon sequestration. His research focuses on international projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. He is now co-leader of the regional economics team of the Agricultural Modeling Improvement and Intercomparison Project (AgMIP, and coleader of the Tradeoff Analysis Project. He has been a consultant to several agricultural research and development institutions such as the FAO, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, IFAD and several CGIAR centers.


Dr. Eudoxie has a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the University of the West Indies, where he is currently a Lecturer, teaching and carrying out research in soil fertility and plant nutrition, with a special interest in fertigation, composting; and soil health and quality.

Agricultural Health, Safety and Food Quality


Dr. Hoet has a DVM (1991) from the Universidad Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela; a Ph.D. in Veterinary Preventive Medicine from Ohio State University (2002), and a Diplomate from the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine (former member of the Executive Board). He has been a lecturer and researcher in infectious diseases since 1993; has published more than 75 research articles and book chapters on infectious diseases; and managed the Diagnostic and Research Laboratory for Infectious Diseases (DRLID). Dr. Hoet has led and co-directed research and service projects on infectious diseases, which have been received more than USD 1.6 million in funding from different organizations. His current research interests include epidemiology zoonotic and foodborne pathogens such as MRSA, E. coli, and Salmonella; as well as the molecular epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance associated with these pathogens in humans, animals, and the environment. Currently, he is the Director of the Veterinary Public Health program at OSU ( ), which is which is one of only two ACVPM accredited programs in the USA, and the second largest in the country, with more than 50 graduate students.


Dr. Rushing has a B.Sc. in Citrus Production Management from the Florida Southern College and a Ph.D. in Horticultural Science, Postharvest Physiology from the University of Florida. He is a former Director of the International Food Safety Training Programs of the Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN) at the University of Maryland. For more information, visit and select the International tab to see a summary of the program. For more than 20 years, he was a Professor and Director of the Coastal Research and Education Center at Clemson University.  For the last 10 years of his time at Clemson, he was the PI or co-PI for grant-funded proposals, amounting to USD 1,082,427. Over the same period, he authored or co-authored proposals that were not funded, amounting to USD 11,307,278. From 2007 to 2009, he was Vice-President for Research and Technical Analysis at the PTG Management Company, Palmetto Florida – a producer and packing facility, with more than 20,000 acres of vegetables and citrus in four states and in Mexico. He had the responsibility for overseeing technical problems and food safety programs throughout the company.


Specialist in the design and management of animal health programs for terrestrial and aquatic animals. Graduate in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Chile, M.Sc. in the Development of Animal Health Programs and Production Systems and Ph.D. in Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics from the University of Reading, England. For six years, he served as Head of Chile’s Veterinary Service, overseeing internationalization processes; prevention and control of animal diseases; health negotiation and modernization of the Service. He also designed and implemented programs for the prevention of exotic diseases, such as foot and mouth disease, bovine spongiform encephalopathy and classical swine fever. During that period, he was tasked with leading efforts to control the entry of the highly pathogenic avian flu into Chile in 2002. International consultant to IICA, FAO, OIE, IDB and OECD in animal health and food safety. Participant in the OIE Ad-Hoc Groups on Avian Flu, PRRS and in the PPP (Public Private Partnership) Project. He is also involved in other areas and is a contributor to technical publications.


B.Sc. in Political Sciences; Master’s degree in International Relations, as well as a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Belgium. President of the Oil Industry Chamber of Argentina—CIARA—and the Cereal Exporters Center – CEC, and a Director of the consultancy firm, Agronegocios B.I.M. He is also a post-graduate lecturer at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) and Universidad de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF); Principal Researcher of the GPS (Group of Producing Countries from the Southern Cone); Director of the Center for Agrifood Studies of the Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, as well as Director of the WTO and IDB training program for health services in Latin America and the Caribbean. He served for 17 years as an international negotiator for the Argentinian government, representing the country as a Counsellor for the Ministry of Agriculture to the European Union, in MERCOSUR negotiations with China, USA, the EU, and other important countries and trade blocs.


Mr. Griffin is currently the President of the Agricultural Quarantine Inspection Program (AQI) Committee of the United States Department of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS), Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ).  From 2003 to 2014, he was the Director of the Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he led the work of a large and diverse group of scientists, working on risk analysis to support decision-making on plant quarantine regulations and programs. From 1997 to 2003, Mr. Griffin was the Coordinator of the Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.  He was responsible for coordinating all IPPC activities managed by the Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures, including, the development of international standards for sanitary measures, information exchange, technical assistance and support for phytosanitary dispute resolution processes of the World Trade Organization. He supervised the preparation and updating of the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) Nos. 4-24.