Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Agricultural Climate Action and Sustainability

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA), the Paris Agreement and the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) provide an opportunity to transform agrifood systems to ensure greater sustainability and resilience and to enhance their contribution to global food and nutritional security and the development of the countries of the Americas in the current climate.

The program will foster integrated solutions, based on principles that address the priorities of IICA Member States to achieve a more sustainable, climate resilient and low-carbon sector. It will support the implementation of actions that address the national priorities identified in the NDCs, as well as actions to facilitate greater inclusion of agriculture in future NDCs, thereby enabling it to contribute to the achievement of multiple sustainable development targets. The program is developing a strategy to build political will to facilitate technical activities, through greater access to climate financing and to strengthen linkages with other programs.

To this end, it will aim to generate knowledge and develop capacities to:

  • Promote political dialogue that positions the sector and its priorities within climate change- and environment-related processes. This includes promoting the participation of the agriculture sector in the UNFCCC and its associated commitments, as well as providing opportunities for consensus-building, seeking unifying elements that help to position and increase the visibility of the region and its interests.
  • Develop strategies and mechanisms to encourage change and to scale up climate action to increase the sustainability of agrifood systems. This includes facilitating horizontal cooperation and exchange between countries; supporting the development, implementation and monitoring of climate change policies and programs; building capacity; and promoting innovation and digitalization, as a means of contributing to the sector’s climate response and its sustainability.
  • Implement actions in the field to validate, spearhead or demonstrate approaches, practices, tools or perspectives, thereby creating concrete experiences with the potential to be scaled up. This includes working with producers to drive sustainable soil and water management in the livestock, rice, and coffee chains, among others; promoting the recovery and regeneration of agroecosystems; encouraging practices that contribute to climate resilience and mitigation; and promoting the circular economy, among other activities.


Program Manager


Technical team

Advisory team

  • Erin Beasley, México
  • Ignacio Lorenzo, Uruguay
  • Walter Oyhantcabal

Contact us

Kelly Witkowski

Program manager

Dirección de Cooperación Técnica



Explore our videos and discover IICA’s impact on agriculture and rural development throughout the region.


June 10, 2022

Stratégies qui favorisent à la fois les résultats en matière de développement


May 12, 2022

Session 4 – Production bovine durable: La viabilité économique de la production de viande bovine à long terme


February 20, 2025

Ms. Nadine Cabana, Global Affairs Canada, visits Finca El Trapiche in Aldea el Terrero, Zacapa Guatemala to learn about the progress in the implementation of the project “TeleGan, Sustainability and Innovation in Livestock”

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

San José, Costa Rica

The Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA) and IICA enhance their partnership to improve market access, with the launch of a regional Public Policy Observatory for Agrifood Systems (OPSAa)

The aim is to ensure that production and trade information is made available to Central American countries in real time, thereby facilitating increased market access for the region’s agricultural products.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

Iowan producers and Secretary of Agriculture touring Central America visited IICA Headquarters to learn about the Institute’s work in biotechnology and biofuels

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins