Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Agricultural Health, Food and nutrition security

Animal Disease Recognition and Response Workshop


To increase food security in the Caribbean region by decreasing the risk of livestok production losses due to foreign, endemic and zoonotic animal diseases.


  1. Through training, improve the ability of Caribbean veterinarians, animal health assistants, livestock keepers and farmers to accurately recognize and respond to priority animal, zoonotic and foodborne diseases.
  2. To train members of the Caribbean national veterinary services, livestock production personnel, livestock producers and farmers on the identification of and the response to priority animal and zoonotic diseases.
  3. Make available relevant information from the regional training course (presentations are filmed tasks) on the project website, so it is easily accessible to veterinary first responders and trainers from the Caribbean region.

Expected Outcomes

  1. Increased capacity to anticipate, recognize, identify and respond to priority exotic, endemic, and zoonotic animal diseases across the Caribbean region.
  2. Trained personnel available in Saint Lucia with the requisite skills and material in the recognition and response to priority animal diseases.


The One Health Animal Disease Recognition and Response Workshop is funded as part of the “One Health, One Caribbean, One Love” project through the ACP-EU Cooperation Programme in Science and Technology and is being supported by the 10th European Development Fund SPS Project: “Support to the Forum of Caribbean States in the implemention of the commitments undertaken under the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA): Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures”.



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