Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Inclusion, Women

International Day of Rural Women Celebration

On October 16, strarting at 10:00 a. m. (Costa Rica time, 16 horas GTM), tune in to the live broadcast of the commemoration of the International Day of Rural Women, organized by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture.

On the same date, the book Warriors – Rural Women Around the World: 28 Enlightened Voices will be presented. This document, edited by IICA is one of the greatest compilations of visions and unpublished articles on rural women. Its authors, personalities from the five continents, mostly women, crumble data and statistics and answer why it is urgent to create opportunities for empowering the inhabitants of the countryside. High officials from different governments, international organizations and leaders of women’s movements collaborated with the book.

The book, available in Spanish and English, will constitute an obligatory reference on the situation of rural women and possible strategies to improve their living conditions, with photographs by the photojournalist Sebastião Salgado.

The book will be available as of October 16 at



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