Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Climate change

Climate variability and its extremes through the lens of soil and water

PROCINORTE provides a platform for sharing knowledge and conducting research while addressing agriculture and agri-food issues of trilateral interest and relevance to the Northern region.  Activities carried out by its 4 standing Task Forces – Animal Health, Plant Health, Genetic Resources and Tree Fruits have underscored adverse impacts relating to the changing environment.  Recognizing this, the Board of Directors of PROCINORTE agreed to explore modalities for deeper engagement, particularly in niche areas that are not currently being addressed trilaterally.  Inventories of programmes, projects, research and associated activities illustrating responses by the United States of America, Mexico and Canada were reviewed and as a result of consultations with programme leaders, interventions related to the impact & management of soil and water were proposed for further attention.

The half-day workshop has been designed to provide an update on specific initiatives on soil and water in the 3 countries.  Discussions will take in account climate variability and the increasing incidence of extreme environmental events on agriculture in the hemisphere.  Existing knowledge gaps relating to challenges and concerns will be identified for the preparation of a road map of next steps.



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