Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Agricultural chains, Agricultural Health

Deconstructing Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Programs

Online Talk #2: Deconstructing Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Programs.

Online talks on Antibiotic Use and Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Programs on Agriculture (Main topic: Scope of the problem) organized by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture (IICA) and The Ohio State University (OSU).

Access information of Online Talk # 1: Scope of the problem here.

Infrastructure of regulatory entities involved in antimicrobial resistance surveillance and how to prepare a surveillance plan: The Caribbean experience (Part I): Overview of the different institutions/organizations and their potential role in designing, planning and executing antimicrobial surveillance programs in agriculture. The lecture will also describe how this process was carried out simultaneously in seven Caribbean countries.

Evolution of the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) in order to incorporate antimicrobial resistance and surveillance of antibiotic use: The primary focus of the NAHMS Program is to monitor the health and health management of domestic livestock and poultry populations in the United States. This lecture will describe how the system has evolved through the years to include the emerging topic of antimicrobial resistance. Specific examples of this type of surveillance will be shared, in order to demonstrate how this data is collected, analyzed and then shared with relevant stakeholders and the general public.

How the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS) is adapting and expanding: Lessons learned and vision for the future: This lecture will describe how the NARMS system has evolved through the years to become what it is today. The lecture will describe how data and information on antimicrobial resistance in humans, food and animals is collected and synthesized.

Please, send your questions to: Ericka Calderón and Nínive Zúñiga



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