Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Agribusiness, Agriculture, Agroindustry

The private sector’s role in creating a new vision for the agriculture sector – post-covid-19


The global covid-19 emergency has revealed the fragile capacity of the world’s economies to handle events of this magnitude and the need to rethink the agrifood and energy agendas of the future. We are facing an unprecedented health, economic, social and environmental crisis that governments will be able to resolve with the active and timely support of the agricultural private sector and organized civil society.


1. To get a first-hand account from senior managers of agribusiness institutions about the roles and short-term actions being taken by this sector to galvanize attention to the pressing needs arising amidst the global covid-19 pandemic and the approaches that will facilitate the creation of a renewed vision for the agriculture sector.

2. To create a forum for ongoing exchange to enable the agribusiness associations of the hemisphere to share information and experiences in relation to a new, more productive, sustainable and equitable agriculture sector.

Expected results:

1. Agribusiness institutions will have a hemispheric forum for the exchange of information, knowledge and experiences that will allow them to influence, at the regional, national and local levels, the establishment of renewed public policies and actions, from a private sector perspective, leading to the development of a new agricultural production, processing and marketing model, post-covid-19.

2. IICA will have a baseline of information and a support and follow-up mechanism for discussions and proposals emanating from the hemispheric agribusiness forum.

Welcome: Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA..

Moderator: Diego Montenegro, IICA Representative in Mexico and Regional Coordinator.  


Miguel García Winder, Undersecretary of Agriculture of Mexico.

Roberto Rodrigues, former Minister of Agriculture of Brazil and agribusiness leader.  

Susana Yturry, Andean Region.

Bosco de la Vega, Northern Region.

Xinia Chávez, Central Region.

Luis Eugenio Villasanti, Southern Region.

Vassel Stewart, Caribbean Region.

Joaquín Arias, International Technical Specialist at IICA’s Center of Strategic Analysis for Agriculture (CAESPA). 

Available soon


Welcome: Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA..

Moderator: Diego Montenegro, IICA Representative in Mexico and Regional Coordinator.  


Miguel García Winder, Undersecretary of Agriculture of Mexico.

Roberto Rodrigues, former Minister of Agriculture of Brazil and agribusiness leader.  

Susana Yturry, Andean Region.

Bosco de la Vega, Northern Region.

Xinia Chávez, Central Region.

Luis Eugenio Villasanti, Southern Region.

Vassel Stewart, Caribbean Region.

Joaquín Arias, International Technical Specialist at IICA’s Center of Strategic Analysis for Agriculture (CAESPA). 


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