Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Agribusiness, Agroindustry, Trade

Tools for international agricultural trade in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean


  • The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) has been an observer member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) since 1999 and of its Agriculture Committee since 2010.
  • In June of 2012, the WTO Reference Centre at IICA was launched, specializing in technical advisory services pertaining to WTO regulations on international agricultural trade and other matters relating to international agricultural trade.
  • Currently, one of the ways in which IICA contributes to the countries of the Americas is to support their participation in international agricultural trade forums, and to support governments, businesses and academic institutions in accessing of some of the benefits of participating in these forums and in international trade.
  • In the past, IICA has organized outreach activities and workshops that promote the services of the WTO-IICA Center, as well as the use of databases and other information tools at IICA and the WTO that are available to agricultural enterprises, academic entities and to governmental entities that provide trade support services to the administration and to businesses.

Purpose of the Workshop:

  • To enhance knowledge about Smart Tools and trade information tools in different national, regional and international agencies, which are available for the use of the private, academic and public sectors, as a part of the process of trade internationalization.

Profile of participants:

  • The forum is intended for businesses, chambers of commerce, and public and private entities that support agricultural trade and agribusiness, as well as for students and lecturers focusing on business development and polices relating to trade processes throughout the agricultural value chain.

Expected results:

  • Participants will have learned how to use and access various national, regional and international data tools that could be of benefit in developing trade and agricultural policy, for business activities in the agroindustrial sector, and also for research and training in international agricultural trade-related matters.


  • Duration: Two hours
  • Mode: Virtual (Webex) and face-to-face.

The session will consist of 6 presentations on the main topic, with time allotted for comments and questions.  Participants will then be allowed to share their concerns via other platforms, such as email.

To participate in the event, click here



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