As part of the innovation component of the IICA flagship project (FP) Competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural chains, we have been developing a capacity building process on promoting technological innovation in agricultural chains through the exchange of experiences.
As part of this process, we conducted exploratory studies in selected agricultural chains in three countries where the FP has been working since 2015: Paraguay (floriculture chain), Trinidad and Tobago (dairy goat chain) and Jamaica (sweet potato chain).
The aim of these studies was to obtain key elements for assessing and improving innovation capacities in chains. Once conducted and systematized, these three studies serve to identify cross-cutting lessons.
In the present forum we will share the experience during the entire process and, together with the inputs from the discussions, this will allow the preparation of a technical note describing the key elements necessary to carry out an analysis of innovation and innovation capacities in agricultural chains and to develop proposals or strategies to strengthen those capacities.