Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Biosafety, Biotechnology, Food safety, Information and communication technologies, Innovation, Resilient Agriculture, Risk management, Sustainable development

Phytosanitary Intelligence and Biosecurity: opportunities and implications for Latin America

Organized by IICA, PROCISUR, COSAVE and SAG of Chile, it is an open event aimed at public and private sector actors interested in phytosanitary protection and technological tools that contribute to the prevention and control of pests and diseases. It will be held, from March 15, on Mondays and Wednesdays in March from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Uruguay time) and will have English – Spanish interpretation. The event will be broadcast on IICA’s YouTube and Facebook channels.

Objective: Share concepts and tools for phytosanitary intelligence and biosafety and train on their use and application.

Organized in 5 Panels, international experts and phytosanitary authorities will share information on phytosanitary intelligence and biosafety, as well as on the advances and perspectives for Latin America, and then they will dialogue with the participants promoting the analysis and debate of the issues.

The panels will be oriented to:

• Panel I: Roundtable on Phytosanitary Intelligence and Biosecurity Intelligence, the Concept.

• Panel II: Phenological Modeling of Pests / Phenological Modeling of Pests

• Panel III: Early Warning Systems for Present Pests.

• Panel IV: Spatial Distribution of Species for Risk Management in Quarantine Pests / Spatial Distribution of Species for Risk Management in Quarantine Pests

• Panel V: Modeling Infrastructure for Decision Making

The Panels will be made up of researchers from the National Institutes for Agricultural Research, experts and authorities from National Plant Protection Organizations and Universities from the southern region, Mexico, New Zealand, the United States, Chile and Italy.



Panel I

Rigoberto González Gómez, SENASICA/POFS

Mariana Fernanda Retama Dominguez, SENASICA/POFS

Javier Álvarez Castañeda, SENASICA/POFS

Ilce Lorena Bautista Rincón, SENASICA/POFS

Susan Worner (por confirmar), Biosecurity Intelligence Team Director

Lourdes Fonalleras, IICA, Especialista Internacional en Sanidad Agropecuaria e Inocuidad de los Alimentos – SAICA.

Rodrigo Astete, Jefe de División de Protección Agrícola y Forestal SAG/Chile

César de la Cruz, Inteligencia COSAVE

Cecilia Gianoni, Secretaria Ejecutiva PROCISUR

Roberto Tapia O, Inteligencia SAG/Chile

Panel II

Tomislav Curkovic, Universidad de Chile

Thomas M. Perring, Department of Entomology, University of California

José Montiel (por confirmar), SENASICA

Gianfranco Anfora (por confirmar), Professore associato, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Ambientale e Meccanica

Natalia Olivares, INIA, Chile

Panel III

Alberto Gochez, Director Proyecto PROCISUR-COSAVE HLB

Roberto Tapia O, Inteligencia SAG/Chile

Keith Cressman (por confirmar), Superior Locust Forecasting Officer, FAO

Jaime Díaz López, SENASICA/POFS

Alejandra Franco Corona, SENASICA/POFS

Juan Manuel Pérez Curiel, SENASICA/POFS         

Héctor Medina, Coordinador GICSV

Panel IV

Cecilia Gianoni

Luis Morales, LARES, Universidad de Chile

Roger Magarey (por confirmar), Center for Integrated Pest Management (CIPM)

Weiqi Luo Ph.D., ARS Research Scholar, NCSU

Alberto Gochez, Director Proyecto PROCISUR-COSAVE HLB

Panel V

Natalia Olivares, INIA, Chile

Roberto Tapia O., Coordinador RPF, Sección de Inteligencia Fitosanitaria

Alfredo Junco (por confirmar), Coord. Ejecutivo Regional, SIRIS 

Drew S. Posny, PhD, ARS Research Scholar, NCSU

Keith Cressman (por confirmar), Senior Locust Forecasting Officer

Yu Takeuchi (por confirmar), Project Coordinator

Luis Morales, LARES, Universidad de Chile


Panel I

Rigoberto González Gómez, SENASICA/POFS

Mariana Fernanda Retama Dominguez, SENASICA/POFS

Javier Álvarez Castañeda, SENASICA/POFS

Ilce Lorena Bautista Rincón, SENASICA/POFS

Susan Worner (por confirmar), Biosecurity Intelligence Team Director

Lourdes Fonalleras, IICA, Especialista Internacional en Sanidad Agropecuaria e Inocuidad de los Alimentos – SAICA.

Rodrigo Astete, Jefe de División de Protección Agrícola y Forestal SAG/Chile

César de la Cruz, Inteligencia COSAVE

Cecilia Gianoni, Secretaria Ejecutiva PROCISUR

Roberto Tapia O, Inteligencia SAG/Chile

Panel II

Tomislav Curkovic, Universidad de Chile

Thomas M. Perring, Department of Entomology, University of California

José Montiel (por confirmar), SENASICA

Gianfranco Anfora (por confirmar), Professore associato, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Ambientale e Meccanica

Natalia Olivares, INIA, Chile

Panel III

Alberto Gochez, Director Proyecto PROCISUR-COSAVE HLB

Roberto Tapia O, Inteligencia SAG/Chile

Keith Cressman (por confirmar), Superior Locust Forecasting Officer, FAO

Jaime Díaz López, SENASICA/POFS

Alejandra Franco Corona, SENASICA/POFS

Juan Manuel Pérez Curiel, SENASICA/POFS         

Héctor Medina, Coordinador GICSV

Panel IV

Cecilia Gianoni

Luis Morales, LARES, Universidad de Chile

Roger Magarey (por confirmar), Center for Integrated Pest Management (CIPM)

Weiqi Luo Ph.D., ARS Research Scholar, NCSU

Alberto Gochez, Director Proyecto PROCISUR-COSAVE HLB

Panel V

Natalia Olivares, INIA, Chile

Roberto Tapia O., Coordinador RPF, Sección de Inteligencia Fitosanitaria

Alfredo Junco (por confirmar), Coord. Ejecutivo Regional, SIRIS 

Drew S. Posny, PhD, ARS Research Scholar, NCSU

Keith Cressman (por confirmar), Senior Locust Forecasting Officer

Yu Takeuchi (por confirmar), Project Coordinator

Luis Morales, LARES, Universidad de Chile


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