Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Agricultural chains, Agricultural Health, Competitiveness, Food and nutrition security, Food safety, Productivity, Sustainable development

Animals and the future of food systems: A Look at Trade-offs in Nutrition, Sustainability and Rural Development

In preparation for the United Nations Food Systems Summit, and in partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF), IICA will host a session in the virtual event “Bold Actions for Food as a Force for Good”. 

The session aims to:

  • share current scientific knowledge and expert perspectives on the important role of animal production and animal protein in a sustainable food system;
  • explore opportunities and challenges presented by a food systems approach that does not adequately consider trade-offs between plant and animal production systems and;
  • add to the body of knowledge illustrating the important role of animal production and animal protein in sustainable food systems.

The session will build on two hemispheric workshops developed by IICA, the US Dairy Export Council and Global Dairy Platform, in which experts from throughout the Western Hemisphere discussed some of the most pressing issues facing livestock production: Animal production, nutrition, sustainability and rural development. 

We will present a summary of best practices for sustainable production in dairy, beef, poultry, eggs, pork, and fish. Included will be a discussion of the role of public policy to help incentivize and regulate the transition toward more sustainable livestock production and a Ministerial Roundtable on the Western Hemisphere perspective on the role of livestock in the UN Food Systems Summit (Mexico, USA, Uruguay).

The session will review the major takeaways from the earlier IICA events and allow ministers of agriculture from three countries to contribute their perspectives.

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