Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Agricultural Health

FSMA Proposed Rule on Agricultural Water

This webinar, conducted jointly by FDA and IICA, sought to raise awareness among producers, exporters, specialists, FSMA instructors, government officials and the general public about various aspects of interest related to the new Proposed Rule on Agricultural Water. Specifically, the proposed modifications to the current regulations, access to resources and information, and mechanisms for public participation were presented, and questions from the participants were answered.   

Note: The information addressed in this webinar is current as of the date of the webinar. Changes and updates to the proposed regulation may occur after this event. We invite you to consult the official FDA website to confirm current regulatory issues, for official interpretation of the regulation and any updates. 


  • Mauricio Castelo, Produce Safety Expert, Division of Produce Safety, FDA, United States.   
  • Kruti Ravaliya, Consumer Safety Officer, Division of Produce Safety, FDA, United States.

First edition

Second edition



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