Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Family farming, Natural Resources, Resilient Agriculture

Perm-apiculture techniques

The purpose of this activity is to contribute to improving the capacities of IICA’s member states to participate in international trade forums and to promote agricultural trade within the framework of agricultural chains for sustainability, economic development, and food security. 

General objective: To improve the technical knowledge of IICA’s member states in topics such as rules of origin and to understand the impact that some non-tariff measures have on agricultural trade. 

Specific objectives:

  • To understand the provisions relating to the rules of origin as a non-tariff measure in the multilateral trade system and its relation to the trade of agricultural goods.
  • To identify some of the impacts that non-tariff measures and rules of origin have on developing countries.
  • To share experiences about the possible challenges for countries in the Americas in the negotiation and application of the rules of origin in the trade of agricultural products.

Participating institutions:

The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), World Trade Organization (WTO) Reference Center at IICA.

The World Trade Organization (WTO), the Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation (ITTC), the Agriculture and Commodities Division (ACD) and the Rules of Origin Division.

The International Trade Center (ITC).




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