Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


Presentation on CRISPR-Cas Technology

CRISPR-Cas is one of the most important new technologies for advanced plant breeding, offering a more targeted way to develop healthy seeds and help farmers produce more and better food, with fewer resources.  Based on a natural system, CRISPR-Cas enables scientists to better target the native genetic diversity within a crop to develop innovative and sustainable seed products similar to those realized through marker-assisted plant breeding, but with even greater efficiency, accuracy and quality.  However, the true promise of the technology will only be realized through active engagement with all stakeholders.
Join the Global Harvest Initiative (GHI) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture (IICA) an informal conversation with Neal Gutterson, who leads global R&D for DuPont Pioneer.   Neil will share how his organization is using CRISPR-Cas and how they are collaborating with international partners to bring the benefits of the technology to smallholder farmers.  This is an opportunity to pose questions about how such the promise of innovation may be better realized for farmers as they face challenges from climate change and difficult growing conditions.

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