Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


Strengthening Producer-Buyer Relationships: Networking Platform and Strategy Meeting

Date:  June 27-28, 2016


  1. A Producer-Buyer Platform meeting was be convened in Saint Lucia from 27th -28th June
  2. Receive and examine the experiences of the MASSY initiative as the basis for extracting good practices that can be converted into practical producer-buyer facilitation approaches-strategies for replication in other countries;
  3. Confirm and validate the commodities for which market (local, regional and export) opportunities currently exist and the core requirements to be met to enable producers to take advantage of same;
  4. Refine the mechanisms of the NVCFs and BDOs supported under C3 as a practical chain facilitation, industry development approach.

Persons Attended:  

Thirty-one (31) from Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Suriname, Jamaica and Grenada.





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