Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Food safety

Workshop Series for Analysis and Awareness Raising on Responsible Use of Veterinary Drugs


The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) has been carrying out actions to strengthen the surveillance systems for veterinary drugs, through a regional project involving Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, which ends in 2016. In addition, at the end of 2015 IICA hosted a technical forum to discuss strategic issues within the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs.

As a result of these activities, it has been identified the need for creating opportunities for analysis and awareness raising on the responsible use of veterinary drugs and its relation to food safety.


  1. To facilitate the dialogue and information exchange on the responsible use of veterinary drugs between different sectors;
  2. To provide a space for the analysis of issues related to animal production, the responsible use of veterinary drugs and the importance of monitoring and control systems;
  3. To improve the understanding of key players in the public and private sectors on the relationship between animal production, the use of veterinary drugs, food safety , and the work of Codex Alimentarius.

Target Audience

Representatives of the official animal health and food safety services, representatives of the private sector, the pharmaceutical industry and academia. Moreover, countries’ Codex contact-points and members of the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods – CCRVDF.


  • Dr. Kevin Greenlees (Chairman – CCRVDF)
  • Dr. Marcelo Galas, Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), Washington, United States
  • Dra. Brandi Robinson, (FDA – US Delegate to the CCRVDF)
  • Dr. José Luis Rojas, SENASA, Costa Rica
  • Dra. Bertha Giner, Elanco
  • Dr. Gonzalo Carmona – Manager of the Technology Transfer Program of the R.L. dos Pinos Dairy Products Producers Coop

Dates: August 26th and 30th 2016

Please, send your questions to: Horrys Friaca, IICA Delegation in USA / Eric Bolaños, AHFS / Nínive Zúñiga, AHFS



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