Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Risk management

Videoconference: Integrated Risk Management and Risk Communication in Agriculture. Instruments and Lessons Learned

Videoconference: Integrated Risk Management and Risk Communication in Agriculture. Instruments and Lessons Learned


Place: Managua, Nicaragua

Date: November 30th, 2017

Hour: 8:00 am (Nicaragua time)



  • Acquire knowledge of the conceptual framework of communication and risk management in agriculture, the current tools and some strategies applied in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Initiate a process of dialogue and exchange to identify possible actions to be developed in 2018 regarding integrated risk management and risk communication in agriculture in the context of climatic change.


Target audience

  • Government technicians working in national production programs.
  • Groups or producer associations, academics, specialists in activities relating to risk evaluation.


Speakers and moderators



  • Mr. Marcelo Núñez Rojas – IICA Representative in Nicaragua. Coordinator of Component 2: Flagship Project Resilience and integrated risk management in agriculture.
  • Mr. Mauricio Carcache V – Specialist, IICA Delegation in Nicaragua.




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