Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Agriculture, Food and nutrition security

Envisioning a Future Food: Security Agenda for the Americas

This IICA dialogue series with universities across the Americas will debate these issues as they focus on the continent’s future food security, be it issues of food quality, safety, affordability, health, sustainability, resiliency, policy, technology, and acting climate smart



  1. Evan Fraser, Director, Arrell Food Institute, Guelph University.
  2. Cassio Luiselli, Research Associate of the Universidad Autonoma de Mexico.
  3. Marcos Jank, Professor of Global Agribusiness and Coordinator of the center “ Insper Agro Global”,  Instituição Insper – Insper, Brazil.
  4. Juan Rafael Vargas, Professor and Chair of Economics, University of Costa Rica. 


  • Manuel Otero,  Director General of the IICA.

Not available.





  1. Evan Fraser, Director, Arrell Food Institute, Guelph University.
  2. Cassio Luiselli, Research Associate of the Universidad Autonoma de Mexico.
  3. Marcos Jank, Professor of Global Agribusiness and Coordinator of the center “ Insper Agro Global”,  Instituição Insper – Insper, Brazil.
  4. Juan Rafael Vargas, Professor and Chair of Economics, University of Costa Rica. 


  • Manuel Otero,  Director General of the IICA.


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