Ir Arriba
  • News

    More than 300 scientists gather in Costa Rica to promote greater use of biological controllers in agriculture across the Americas

    A congress organized by CABI, IOBC, IICA, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, and the University of Costa Rica (UCR) addressed the relevance of intelligent use of biological controllers to increase the sustainability of regional agriculture.
  • News

    Andean countries strengthen their capacity to respond to phytosanitary emergencies with IICA and GIZ support in project against fusarium

    Fifteen representatives from the National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) of the Andean Community countries, along with specialists from the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), participated in a regional phytosanitary intelligence simulation as part of the implementation of the Regional Phytosanitary Intelligence Center project.
  • News

    IICA creates Special Fund to support the efforts of Caribbean nations to reduce food imports and strengthen the resilience of the agriculture sector 

    The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) will create a Special Fund for the Caribbean to promote initiatives and actions aimed at assisting countries in the region in meeting the goal of reducing their multi-million dollar food import bill by 25% by 2025.
  • News

    The G20 Agriculture Working Group highlights the role of international food trade in strengthening global food security and nutrition in a session organized by IICA and Insper Agro Global

    The forum highlighted the growing prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in various regions, noting that the proportion of undernourished people has increased, reaching 735 million in 2022, with Asia and Africa being the most affected.
  • News

    Technical mission from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras visited Argentina to learn about dairy sector's best production practices, as part of an IICA-coordinated cooperation project to strengthen food security in the Central American Dry Corridor

    A technical mission from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras visited Argentina and toured various productive and industrial dairy sector enterprises in the countryside as part of a South-South and Triangular Cooperation project aimed at strengthening and providing resilience to small farmers in the so-called Northern Triangle of Central America.


  • High-level dialogue - Climate change and the agricultural sector: A Call to Action from the Americas

  • A Healthier Choice - Bio Fortification of Rice Explained

  • World Food Prize - IICA Side Event: Agrifood Systems in the Region: Challenges and Necessary Actions

  • Commemoration of the International Day of Rural Women - Forum "Priorities in the gender agenda"

  • African Swine Fever - A global vision: How to protect against ASF

  • Launch - AgriExtApp


    Alliance for carbon finance in sustainable agriculture

    We are a collective dedicated to promoting sustainable agricultural practices and moving towards a future where agriculture is not only productive but also a driver of climate resilience.

  • Tribute to food chain workers

    Popular music homage to those who work day to day to put food on our tables

    A campaign to express appreciation to and recognize the work of farmers and food chain workers who, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, guarantee food production, transportation, commercialization and supply in countries throughout the Americas.

  • Rural Women


    IICA is committed to giving visibility to the role of women and accelerating the development of sound public policies for the benefit of women who live in the countryside.

  • The Outlook for Agriculture and Rural Development in the Americas:

    A Perspective on Latin America and the Caribbean

    Each edition of the ECLAC-FAO-IICA joint report analyzes the main trends that affect agriculture and impact the lives of rural dwellers, and provides an outlook on possible future scenarios with respect to each topic covered by the document.