Ir Arriba

IICA Chair

The “IICA Chair” program was created with the conviction that agriculture should be an activity that provides opportunities and drives progress. It also aims to highlight contributions within specific fields of study, promoting and fostering new knowledge about agriculture and rural development in the Americas.

The “IICA Chair” program is part of the Institute’s efforts to recraft its technical cooperation model and modernize its administration, in order to restructure and effectively utilize its technical capacity to play a key role in the development of the Hemisphere and to fully capitalize on the Institute’s role as a bridge between available knowledge and the existing demand, while always seeking to provide innovative solutions for rural territories.


    IICA Chair

    In recognition of IFEVA’s contribution to scientific knowledge, the resolution of agricultural obstacles, and the sustainable use of natural resources; its shared commitment to agriculture and rural well-being

    Over the course of three decades, the Agricultural Plant Physiology and Ecology Research Institute (IFEVA) of the University of Buenos Aires’ Faculty of Agronomy has provided training to over 30,000 students, solidifying its standing as a key training center in the field of agricultural sciences at the regional level. IFEVA produces around 80 scientific articles per year, which have earned the faculty a great amount of prestige.

  • Elizabeth Hodson

    IICA Chair in Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development

    In recognition of her contribution to scientific knowledge and the resolution of agricultural obstacles that hinder sustainable development in the Americas.

    A citizen of Colombia, Hodson is Professor Emeritus of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Colombia. She has extensive experience in studies related to the bioeconomy, particularly its use of renewable biological resources and its interaction with human activities; as well as in scientific and technological developments aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).