Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Carib 3

July 13, 2021

Argentina and IICA embark on joint project to drive agricultural and social development in the Caribbean

The Argentina-IICA South-South and Triangular Cooperation Program will facilitate the sharing of agricultural best practices to boost the output of Caribbean producers and increase the food security of these countries.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


July 13, 2021

Council of the Americas and IICA: the digital revolution in agrifood systems is an opportunity to improve the welfare of rural communities

Latin American ministers of agriculture and private sector stakeholders participated in a debate on the digital technology revolution and its impact on agrifood systemsā€™ ability to improve the productivity and standard of living of rural communities.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

Zulfikar 2_Mesa de trabajo 1

July 12, 2021

Deluged by flood, Guyana needs international aid to restore its agriculture sector and guarantee food security

In an interview on the Brazilian TV channel, AgroMais, the countryā€™s Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, explained that, "In some areas, farmers lost 90% of their crops and numerous animals, while many homes were destroyed by the waterā€.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


July 9, 2021

The Northern Triangle of Central America is a concern that will be raised at the UN Food Systems Summit

The Northern Triangle of Central America encompasses three countries and is especially susceptible to factors that encourage migration and forced displacement, amidst food insecurity, limited access to social protection, the depletion of natural resources and the adverse repercussions of environmental degradation and climate change. Agriculture and rural development are key to effectively tackling the causes of migration.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


July 8, 2021

Experts argue that animal proteins are essential to a nutritious and healthy diet and they must be made available to the poor

Renowned scientists explained that promoting universal access to and inclusion of animal proteins in diets is imperative, particularly in medium- and low-income countries.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


July 7, 2021

Green Climate Fund accredits IICA to implement climate resilient agriculture projects

IICA can apply for financial instruments to carry out initiatives that are part of the climate planning efforts of its Member States.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


June 30, 2021

Producers, vendors and civil society mobilize to underpin value of sustainable livestock production

The event underscored the activityā€™s essential role in food security and economic and social development and defined messages on the importance of livestock breeding for global food security ahead of the UN Food Systems Summit.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


June 30, 2021

Sixteen key messages that united the countries of the Americas on the road to the UN Food Systems Summit

The messages define agriculture as a fundamental activity in eradicating poverty, driving rural development and protecting the natural environment, and they advocate that special attention be placed on vulnerable rural populations in the Caribbean and the Northern Triangle of Central America. Moreover, they emphasize the role of agriculture and farmers as an essential and central link in food systems, as well as the need to bolster national science and technology systems to capitalize on new opportunities.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


June 30, 2021

University of Chile and IICA kick off Diploma in Rural Extension 2021

The diploma program comprises three courses: Designing an Extension Program; Participatory Diagnosis; and Innovation Management and Communication. The program delivers the theoretical foundation and practical tools for rural extension professionals.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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