Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

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August 21, 2020

Australian Aid supports Backyard Poultry Biosecurity project in southern Belize

A biosecurity training manual and video have been produced for use by backyard poultry producers and Extension Officers.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


August 20, 2020

International cooperation and solidarity: an effective response to Covid-19

The Secretary General of the Italo-Latin American Institute, Antonella Cavallari, and the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Gabriela Cuevas, participated in a dialogue with the Director General of IICA, with a view to identifying solutions to address the impact of the pandemic on food security.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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August 20, 2020

PROCAGICA supports soil nutrition and fosters the application of agro-ecological practices on coffee farms in El Salvador to maintain their productivity

Despite the limitations imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, technical specialists have assisted producers in identifying farm needs and preparing their own fertilizer.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


August 20, 2020

Entrepreneurs call for enhanced cooperation and public-private sector partnerships to bolster agriculture in the aftermath of the pandemic

Jens Mesa, Executive President of Colombiaā€™s FEDEPALMA, and Hugo Sigman, CEO of the Grupo Insud in Argentina, participated in an IICA session to discuss how to create an enabling environment to increase the competitiveness of Latin American companies.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


August 19, 2020

Mexico, the United States and Canada bet on agricultural trade to drive post-pandemic economic recovery

High-level agricultural authorities of countries in the Northern Region of the Americas noted that technological innovation, transparency and joint work are key to boosting intraregional trade amidst the current health crisis.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

Manuel Cancel

August 19, 2020

Artwork by Argentinean painter Manuel Cancel is featured on IICAā€™s virtual gallery ā€œArt, Education and Agricultureā€

The gallery, which is available on IICAā€™s website, features paintings that depict different realities of rural areas in the Americas.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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August 18, 2020

Brazil: first Latin American country slated to benefit from agricultural digital solutions, spearheaded by Nobel Prize winner, Michael Kremer

This was announced by Brazilā€™s Minister of Agriculture, Tereza Cristina, at a ceremony in which the 2019 Nobel Prize winner for Economics was named an IICA Goodwill Ambassador. The focus will be family farming.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


August 15, 2020

At OAS Permanent Council meeting, Member States express decisive support for IICA actions

The endorsement was in response to a presentation by Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA (Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture), summarizing the 2019 Annual Report, which outlines the accomplishments of the agency for rural and agricultural development of the Americas. Otero also referred to the rigorous efforts of IICA during the months of the pandemic.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

Michael Kremer 2020_Mesa de trabajo 1

August 14, 2020

Michael Kremer, 2019 Nobel Prize winner for Economics, will receive the title of IICA Goodwill Ambassador

Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA, will present Kremer with the award during a ceremony that will include the participation of the ministers of Agriculture of Brazil and Colombia, Tereza Cristina and Rodolfo Zea Navarro.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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