Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


May 21, 2020

The calling of the land: How Eric LĆ³pez went from dreaming about migrating to becoming a successful Guatemalan coffee farmer

LĆ³pezā€™s family farm currently exports to Australia, the United States and Canada.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

vitor santana FB

May 20, 2020

Singer-songwriter Vitor Santana joins IICAā€™s tribute to food chain workers

The artist is participating in this campaign, which aims to increase awareness about the importance of the agriculture sector and rurality in the era of Covid-19.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


May 20, 2020

Agrifood chains must make greater use of biotechnology and innovations to overcome post-Covid-19 challenges

Elsa Murano, former U.S. Undersecretary of Agriculture for Food Safety, and Juan Restrepo, Director General of the Alliance of International Bioversity ā€“ CIAT, assessed what value chains would need to guarantee food security in the Americas.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


May 19, 2020

Chilean singer-songwriter Nano Stern joins IICAā€™s tribute to food chain workers

Chilean singer-songwriter, poet and musician Nano Stern has joined IICAā€™s campaign to turn the political and social spotlight on those who are guaranteeing our food supply during Covid-19.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


May 19, 2020

Covid-19 is widening the gender divide and endangering the food and health security of farmers

IICA convened a virtual conference with rural women from the hemisphere to discuss how the global health emergency is increasing their challenges and struggles to maintain agricultural production.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


May 18, 2020

Mexican singer Lila Downs joins the IICA campaign in tribute to agrifood chain workers

One of the leading voices of Mexican popular music has joined IICAā€™s campaign to turn the political and social spotlight on the agrifood sector and rurality in the era of Covid-19.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


May 18, 2020

CENFOTEC University and IICA launch online technical program on the Internet of Things for agriculture

The initiative falls within IICAā€™s strategy to support the digital transformation of agriculture in the Americas, in a drive toward greater efficiency and sustainability.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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May 18, 2020

Associations of agronomists, veterinarians and agricultural economists of the Americas will work together with IICA to develop post-Covid-19 agricultural and trade protocols

The representatives underscored the importance of adopting a multidisciplinary approach to address the challenges facing the rural sector in a comprehensive manner, as well as the need to strengthen professional training.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


May 15, 2020

Costa Rican songwriter Carlos GuzmĆ”n joins IICAā€™s tribute to food chain workers

On Costa Rican Farmersā€™ Day, singer Carlos GuzmĆ”n has taken part in IICAā€™s campaign to channel greater political and social attention towards the agriculture and rural sectors amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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