Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


June 26, 2019

Countries prepare for upcoming Codex Alimentarius standards on food hygiene and animal nutrition

Delegates from 18 Latin American and Caribbean countries reviewed standards to be approved by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in Geneva in July.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


June 25, 2019

Argentina and Chile join forces to build up phytosanitary intelligence in the Southern Region

With support from IICA, phytosanitary services in both countries are advancing in the development of systems to facilitate decision making based on scientific and technical knowledge.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


June 21, 2019

IICA calls for strengthening sanitary controls to prevent the spread of African swine fever

The Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Manuel Otero, underscored the need for collaborative work between official and private veterinary services in the organization’s 34 member countries. IICA is currently planning actions aimed at strengthening emergency preparedness and response.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



June 17, 2019

Certifying Belizean Chefs in Food Safety

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



June 17, 2019

IICA delivers half day workshop on fish processing

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



June 17, 2019

Closing Ceremony for European Union Funded Banana Project

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



June 17, 2019

IICA Signs Project with Australian Direct Aid Program for Poultry Biosecurity: Enhancing rural livelihoods and strengthening community food security by upgrading the health of backyard chicken

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



June 17, 2019

Opportunities and challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean Innovating for a Resilient Agriculture and Food Sector

On April 26th 2019, a forum was organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Immigration to Celebrate the opening of the 2019 National Agriculture and Trade Show.  The theme of the forum was: Innovating for a Resilient Agriculture and Food Sector.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



June 17, 2019

Belizean Produced Bananas Growing in the Industry

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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