Costa Rica
May 18, 2018
The seventh edition of the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) Global Workshop was held in Latin America for the first time, co-organized by IICA. Approximately 150 specialists from six continents participated in a global workshop.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
May 18, 2018
Over 35 representatives from different institutions, including MINAGRO, MAyDS, FAO, CIMA, INTA, and the Ministry of External Relations, participated and ensured a wide range of perspectives.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
Georgetown, Guyana
May 17, 2018
Dr Mariano Bonet
Photo Courtesy:
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
Kingston, Jamaica
May 16, 2018
The aim is to assist the region’s cocoa producers through technical cooperation, direct advisory services, training and knowledge-sharing.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
The agreement was made in Chicago, U.S.A. at the 24th session of the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Food. IICA and 15 of its member countries took part in the decision.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
This took place at a workshop at IICA’s Headquarters in San José, Costa Rica, which was organized by Crop Trust for the second time in a Latin America country.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
Members of the Caribbean Network of Rural Women Producers (CANROP) from Saint Lucia and Suriname realize the benefits of effective networking for mutual enhancement of their agri-businesses.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
May 9, 2018
Members of the Caribbean Network of Rural Women Producers (CANROP) from Saint Lucia and Suriname realize the benefits of effective networking for mutual enhancement of their agri-businesses.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
The online training is free of cost and will be available at the Institute’s virtual campus as of 28 May.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
Headquarters. 600 m. northeast of the Ipís-Coronado intersection. Vázquez de Coronado, San Isidro 11101 – Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica
Tel (+506) 2216 0222
Fax (+506) 2216 0233