Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


Ottawa, Ontario

October 2, 2017

Reflections on my assignment at IICA Canada

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Washington D.C.

October 2, 2017

IICA hosts Agricultural Trade Talks

The NAFTA agreement is now up for overhaul and the timetable seems to be relatively short.  Various groups have therefore been reviewing its performance to date and weighing in on elements of a new trade agreement.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Quebec City, Quebec

September 29, 2017

Food & Nutrition Security amidst Climate Change

The goal of this international meeting is to highlight the importance of food and agriculture systems in the fight against climate change, and to present concrete and multisectoral solutions for addressing this global issue.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Ottawa, Ontario

September 29, 2017

Kudos to IICA Canadaā€™s Interns!

Mr. Jesus Figueroa presenting in front of the judges during the competitions that
made him recipient of an awardĀ in Nayarit, Mexico and Mr. Adrian Garcia-Casarrubias
during IICA Canada's 2017 AnnualĀ meeting.

Two former recipients of IICA Canadaā€™s funding for interns were recently awarded honours for their research.Ā 

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


San Jose, Costa Rica

September 29, 2017

Regional Network for Agricultural Research revitalized

Meeting recently in Costa Rica at the Headquarters of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation, a new Assembly of members of FORAGRO was constituted, as a more inclusive mechanism.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Ottawa, Ontario

September 29, 2017

Representative’s Corner

It is officially Fall!Ā  Although Summer is one of the most anticipated seasons in Canada, this year was fraught with anxiety and trepidation on behalf of friends, colleagues and citizens of our member countries affected by the recent onslaught of detrimental environmental events. The Delegation in Canada wishes to express solidarity and our own collective ā€œhugā€ to colleagues in Mexico, Dominica, Antigua & Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, and express our readiness to assist in meeting specific requirements.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



September 29, 2017

Highlights of the 2017 Zebra Chip Training Workshop

In this article, Dr. Joe Munyaneza, National Program Leader from the USDA talks about Zebra chip, an emerging and damaging disease of potato in U.S., Mexico, Central America, and New Zealand that has caused millions of dollars in losses to the potato industry, often leading to the abandonment of entire fields. 

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


September 28, 2017

Caribbean professionals trained in compliance with United States export rules relating to safety of fresh products

39 persons from the public, private, and academic sectors in five Caribbean countries will be able to disseminate knowledge in their countries that will improve their capacity to export fresh produce to the United States.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


September 8, 2017

FORAGRO restructures its organization to address the needs and demands of modern agriculture

Under a new organizational model, this hemispheric organization established its work priorities in order to support research and technological development in agriculture.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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