Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


Washington, D.C.

June 7, 2017

IICA supports the World Economic Forum’s New Vision for Agriculture to promote public private partnerships in agriculture in Latin America.

IICA’s Director General Dr. Victor Villalobos attended the 12th World Economic Forum in Latin America in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Washington, D.C.

June 7, 2017

Strengthening the dairy goat value chain in Trinidad and Tobago

At the beginning of this process, a group of more than 20 actors participated in a series of workshops to identify the main challenges facing the value chain. 

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Washington, D.C.

June 7, 2017

Strengthening Capacities to Address Climate Change in the Agriculture Sector

Given the important role of agriculture under the Paris Agreement and in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, IICA has been working to support a more active and informed participation of the sector in planning and action to address climate change.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Peru and Colombia begin preparations to comply with new requirements for exporting food to the U. S.

More than 50 professionals were trained in complying with FSMA standards, which regulate the export of processed food to the United States. The participants will in turn share their knowledge with other actors in the sector.  

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Washington, D.C.

June 7, 2017

Smallholder innovations for sustainable agricultural intensification in the Brazilian Cerrado

The practices promoted through a sustainable intensification approach are transforming the lives of smallholders and their families in the Brazilian Cerrado, Latin America’s most populated semiarid region. 

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


St. Lucia

June 1, 2017

IICA presents its contributions to the agricultural development of St. Lucia

Agricultural authorities expressed their satisfaction with the Institute’s support, especially with its focus on supporting the Ministry, youth entrepreneurship and resource mobilization.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

May 31, 2017

​Innovations for sustainable production seek to propel the beekeepers sector

A new initiative could help beekeepers to lower their production costs, increase wax production, produce higher quality honey and improve their commercial opportunities.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Castries, Saint Lucia

May 30, 2017

IICA presents its contributions to the agricultural development of Saint Lucia

Agricultural authorities expressed their satisfaction with the Institute’s support, especially with its focus on supporting the Ministry, youth entrepreneurship and resource mobilization.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

May 31, 2017

IICA Delegation launches PROCAGICA-RD

The IICA Delegation in the Dominican Republic carried out the official launch of the Dominican Republic Component of the Central American Program for the Integral Management of Coffee Rust (PROCAGICA-RD) on May 10th at the Delegation of the European Union in the Dominican Republic.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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