Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


Ottawa, Canada

December 15, 2016

Food and Drink Summit 2016

A member of IICA’s delegation in Canada attended the November 28 – 29, 2016, Canadian Food & Drink Summit 2016, hosted by the Conference Board’s Centre for Food in Canada (CFIC) in Toronto Ontario. The two-day event provided an opportunity to explore the future of Canada’s food sector, and to leverage new opportunities to enhance the food sector’s performance—both provincially and globally.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Ottawa, Canada

December 15, 2016

Jamaican Small Ruminant Association Mission to Canada

A mission aimed to strengthen relationships and promote future collaboration between Jamaica and Canada in the area of Small Ruminant genetics was organized by IICA Canada in collaboration with IICA Jamaica, Mr. Robert Lang from Rural Routes international, Grasshill Genetics and the Canadian Livestock Genetics Association (CLGA) Small Ruminant members. Participants of the week-long mission comprised the President of Jamaica’s Small ruminant Association, Mr. Kenneth King, Vice President Mr. Devon Sayers and associated member Mr. Terrence Johnson.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Ottawa, Canada

December 15, 2016

Representative’s Corner – 4th Quarter of 2016

Year end is always embraced with gusto as we all look forward to the holidays.  It is also a time to ensure that deadlines for activities, reports and expenditures are met.  As a result, the Delegation in Canada was engaged in a plethora of actions. These included implementing project activities, attending several high level meetings, conferences and seminars as well as planning for next year.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Washington, D.C.

December 16, 2016

Challenges and opportunities for financing agricultural value chains in Latin America and the Caribbean

This workshop was held to obtain input for a proposal that IICA is preparing on “public-private interventions designed to improve financing and financial inclusion in agricultural chains in LAC.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Washington, D.C.

December 16, 2016

The Present and Future of Agricultural Mechanization in Latin America

IICA and IFPRI hosted a seminar to analyze global trends and the current situation of agricultural mechanization in Latin America to identify factors that limit its use in agriculture and propose possible actions.


Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


IICA promotes financing and financial inclusion of agricultural chains in Latin America and the Caribbean

Experts agree that governments play an important role in matters related to infrastructure, rural communication, and the development of policies and legal and regulatory frameworks that foster the financing of value chains.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



December 16, 2016

Innovation in agriculture: the role of women in Latin America

Women make decisions that impact local food security every day. When it comes to advisory services, women tend to follow the advice of other women, and hence the importance of female extension agents.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



December 16, 2016

Research aims to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in livestock production

Livestock activities occupy 13 million hectares in the Central American region, and is the main source of livelihood for thousands of rural families.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



December 16, 2016

Commercialization strategies that add value and facilitate market access for agricultural producers: Commercial linkages for differentiated products

On this fifth note related to commercialization strategies that add value and facilitate market access for agricultural producers, we will share the third suggested strategy, commercial linkages for differentiated products.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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