Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


Ottawa, Canada

August 30, 2016

IICA supports the enhancement of value-added opportunities for cacao producers in Peru and the Dominican Republic

A mission, led by the IICA delegations in Canada, Peru and the Dominican Republic, provided an opportunity to share practical and useful recommendations on value added cocoa processing and to validate a robust business model for small scale producers. 

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


August 29, 2016

IICA presents the results of its renewed technical cooperation model to the Executive Committee

The Institute reasserted its commitment to fostering a productive, sustainable, and inclusive agriculture and proposed strategic actions for 2017.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


August 25, 2016

Six climate-smart agriculture initiatives make a difference in Eastern Caribbean States

A competition organized by IICA and the Ministries of Agriculture rewarded successful cases of technology use and good practices for addressing and minimizing the impact of climate change on agriculture.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


August 22, 2016

PROCINORTE will present a non-destructive method of detecting avocado maturity during the 4th Avocado Congress in Mexico

The congress will take place in Jalisco from 24-26 August 2016, at the Southern Region University Center (CUSUR) in Mexico and will bring together more than 500 stakeholders of the avocado industry.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



August 22, 2016

15 Caribbean businesses receive training in food safety to improve their competitiveness

The training, organized by IICA, was well received by the practitioners who will return to their respective workplaces and make a difference. 

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



August 22, 2016

Technical officers from the Ministry of Agriculture of Barbuda will participate with full sponsorship in the US

Financing will be provided by the 10th European Development Fund Intra-ACP Programme entitled Agriculture Policy Programme with focus on the Caribbean and Pacific, initiative developed with support of IICA.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Georgetown, Guyana

August 19, 2016

Caribbean Climate Smart Agriculture Forum for Innovative Coordination

The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) Delegation in Guyana continues to execute its Flagship Project - Integrated Environmental Resilience and Risk Management for Agricultural Production with the execution of a Webinar entitled “Integrated Management of Water Resources for Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture:  Experiences from the Caribbean”. The Speakers were Dr. Kevon C. Rhiney, from the Department of Geography and Geology of the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus and Mr.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Port of Spain, Trinidad

August 17, 2016

Food safety workshop prepares Caribbean exporters

IICA as lead implementing agency seeks to strengthen capacities in three major areas: legislation, coordination and capacity building.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Paramaribo, Suriname

August 16, 2016

IICA Suriname presents its results to the authorities of the agricultural sector

According to the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (LVV) in Suriname, the government of Suriname has identified this economic activity as a priority area and a driver for future development.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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