Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


Director General of IICA: “Research and innovation are essential to the new agricultural paradigm.”

Victor M. Villalobos made a call at GCARD2 for greater alliances, modernization of research entities and improvement in extension services in order to strengthen agriculture in the Americas.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Technology package applied to the growing of soybeans generates environmental and economic benefits for the Southern Cone

The Argentine Ministry of Agriculture and IICA are publishing, within the framework of GCARD2, a comparative study of the advantages of genetically modified and conventional soybean crop.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


IICA and CGIAR research centers to work more closely together

Latin America and the Caribbean will receive the benefits of the agricultural research carried out by the centers in other parts of the world.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


IICA will promote greater attention to the rational use of natural resources in the agricultural sector

The results of GCARD2 were positive, with the strengthening of partnerships, recognition of the contribution of women to agriculture, and promotion of private participation in research, while some key issues had to be postponed, according to the Director General of IICA.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


New FAO, ECLAC and IICA report provides in-depth study of agriculture and rural development in the region

Report analyzes land ownership in Latin America and the Caribbean and provides a sectoral study of agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forests, and rural well-being.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


IICA launches food security observatory

This new site, which users can access free of charge, provides statistics, policies, programs, and other information related to food safety.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


IICA’s 70th anniversary celebration continued in Mexico

The Director General of IICA, Víctor M. Villalobos, qualified Mexico as a reference for agriculture in the hemisphere and underscored its importance in the history of the Institute. IICA was recognized by the Under Secretary of Agriculture in Mexico, Mariano Ruiz-Funes Macedo, as a driving force behind international cooperation and public-private partnerships for the improvement of the agriculture sector in the hemisphere.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


IICA Annual Event raised awareness of the contribution of small farmers to food security

The IICA Day was held in Washington to emphasize the importance and contribution of small farmers, including women, to the Latin America regional and national economies.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Synergies between agriculture and the environment: vital for tackling climate change

In a technical forum held at IICA, cases in Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, and Uruguay were cited as examples of joint work on mitigation and adaptation.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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