Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


December 9, 2015

FORAGRO to discuss role of innovation in strengthening family agriculture

Hemispheric forum on agricultural research will adopt a regional position on priorities for innovation in agriculture, in advance of a global meeting on the same topic.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 9, 2015

IICA: Increase in prices of agricultural products is temporary

IICA report calms fears that the hike in the prices of corn, soybeans, and wheat will cause a food crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean similar to the one that occurred in 2007-2008.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 4, 2015

Experts present research aimed at adapting maize and bean production to climate change

In Central America, IICA, SICTA, CIAT, and several agricultural innovation institutes are conducting studies aimed at increasing the productivity of these staple crops, and their resistance higher temperatures, drought, and changes in rainfall patterns.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 4, 2015

Bioinformatics and nanobiotechnology could revolutionize current agricultural research

The use of cutting-edge technologies in agriculture requires a modern regulatory framework, according to specialists at an IICA technical forum.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 4, 2015

IICA prepares to celebrate its 70th anniversary

Participating in the ceremony will be the President of Costa Rica, Laura Chinchilla, and the Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme, Ertharin Cousin.


Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 4, 2015

G20 Agriculture Scientists tackle food security

The Tropical Agricultural Platform is under way, and is expected to facilitate capacity development and knowledge sharing on agricultural innovation in the tropics.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 4, 2015

IICA strengthens its partnership with the World Food Programme

Agreement between both organizations was signed during a ceremony to mark the Instituteā€™s 70th Anniversary, at which the Executive Director of the WFP was the main speaker.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 4, 2015

IICA Executive Committee endorses results of technical cooperation

Delegations of 14 countries asked the Institute to continue to provide support in the areas of agricultural innovation, adaptation to and mitigation of the effects of climate change, and food security.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 4, 2015

IICA and FAO prepare cooperation agenda for the Caribbean

Within the framework of the Caribbean Week of Agriculture, representatives of the two organizations agreed to create a plan of work for 2013, centered on food security, agribusiness, health and productivity.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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