Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


December 2, 2015

At COP 18, Costa Rica presented examples of initiatives designed to enable agriculture to mitigate and adapt to climate change

With support from IICA, at the world summit on climate change the country showed how the agricultural sector can reduce emissions and make more efficient use of natural resources.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 2, 2015

IICA delivers education strategy for biotechnology to the Costa Rican authorities

The Institute delivered the strategy to the countryā€™s National Technical Commission on Biosafety, made up of the ministries of agriculture, environment, and science and technology, and representatives of other sectors.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 2, 2015

Queso Turrialba: the story of a ā€˜tastyā€™ designation of origin

With support from IICA and other organizations, the Costa Rican cheese was granted the first designation of origin to be obtained by a Central American dairy product.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 2, 2015

Companies that export food to the U.S. must renew their registration every two years

Under the U.S. Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), registration is no longer for an indefinite period and must be renewed by January 31, 2013. The new measure does not apply to companies that export products to the U.S. directly, or manufacturers of beef, pork, and poultry meat.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


San JosƩ, Costa Rica

December 2, 2015

Definen prioridades para aprovechar los residuos agrƭcolas en CentroamƩrica

En la regiĆ³n se requieren medidas que impulsen el aprovechamiento de los residuos para generar energĆ­a y que desincentiven su quema y disposiciĆ³n a cielo abierto, de acuerdo con un taller efectuado por IICA, PNUMA y el Ministerio de Agricultura y GanaderĆ­a costarricense.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 2, 2015

Traceability, a source of pride for Uruguayā€™s livestock subsector

A project devised in the wake of a health emergency has given rise to a major innovation and the development of a powerful agricultural health tool, which IICA has singled out as a model that others could adopt.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 2, 2015

IICA Director General challenges researchers to apply more scientific knowledge to agriculture

In the Dominican Republic, IICAā€™s Director General affirmed that science and technology are more important in todayā€™s agriculture, due to new economic, social, and environmental uncertainties.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 2, 2015

Water storage tanks to meet basic water needs in Haiti

The 175 tanks that are to be built will benefit one of the countriesā€™ poorest communities. The project is being undertaken with support from IICA, Australia, and Brazil.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


December 2, 2015

Variations on land tenure in Latin America and the Caribbean

Three variations on the same theme in the different parts of the region. That is how the 2013 IICA-FAO-ECLAC report describes the land tenure situation in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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