Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


Agricultural producers: differentiation drives access to new markets

IICA, SECAC, RUTA and WFP organized a videoconference to share experiences of the P4P program and of the northern region of Costa Rica in the commercialization of food products in Central America.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


PROCINORTE will train scientists and regulators from Mexico, Canada and the US on molecular techniques to diagnose influenza viruses on animals

The workshop is being organized by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), focal point of the Animal Health Task Force in that country, and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


PROCINORTE supports research and preservation of genetic resources in Central America and Mexico

The preservation of genetic information from living organisms is of vital importance in solving the growing need for food worldwide and in developing adaptation and mitigation mechanisms in the face of climate change, and is one of the objectives of this research programme supported by IICA.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Genetic resources are key to the development of Latin America and the Caribbean

Adequate use will contribute to guaranteeing food security, tackle climate change and generate new industries, as outlined by IICA at the VIII International Symposium on Genetic Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Latin America and the Caribbean are fundamental to research and development of bioenergies

During a scientific symposium, IICA promoted the use of energy sources that are not in competition with food production and which are environmentally sustainable, as well as innovative techniques that reduce production cost of bio-fuels.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


IICA to participate in meeting on the genetic resources of Latin America and the Caribbean

In a symposium on genetic resources organized by Ecuador, the Institute will promote the comprehensive management of knowledge in the conservation and use of the agro-biodiversity of the region.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Agrifood chains in Panama: an attempt to increase competitiveness

With technical support from IICA, plans of actions have been established in the rice, milk, bean, corn, plantain, beef, potato-onion, cassava-yam and vegetable sectors in an attempt to increase productivity and improve the distribution of income among producers.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Leadership and citizen participation contribute to success of territorial rural development

As part of efforts of ECADERT, specialists from Central America, Brazil and Spain share experiences on way to increase impact of territorial action groups on quality of life in rural areas.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


In address to the Mexican Senate: Director General of IICA appeals for support towards innovation in agriculture

Victor M. Villalobos participated in a form held at the Senate of the Republic of Mexico entitled “What kind of country do we want and what role should the countryside play in this project”

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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