Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

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February 8, 2024

SENASA and IICA undertake to step up their joint work to consolidate agricultural health and food safety in Argentina and throughout the region

Argentinaā€™s SENASA and IICA are already engaged in a number of cooperation actions, focused, among other things, on institution building, the modernization of processes and systems, training and education, the promotion and use of bioinputs, the elaboration of regulatory frameworks, and territorial development.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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February 2, 2024

Pan-American Liquid Biofuels Coalition (CPBIO) organizes conference on sustainable mobility in Guatemala with support from IICA

More than 150 participants attended the event, including officials, analysts, producers and professionals from different regions, who shared details of the most important biofuel experiences.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


January 30, 2024

Washingtonā€™s AgForestry foundation and IICA agree that environmental protection and the strengthening of agrifood systems are key to revitalizing the economy in the Americas

The Washington Agriculture and Forestry Education Foundation (AgForestry) highlighted IICAā€™s work in the regionā€™s natural systems to guarantee agricultural health and food safety.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


January 30, 2024

The Bolivian winner of a competition co-sponsored by IICA demonstrates the powerful linkages between tourism and the bioeconomy in the Americas

The contest sought to recognize tourism activities and products in the Americas that are adopting bioeconomy practices.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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January 25, 2024

Indigenous Amazonian collector and entrepreneur Katia Silene Tonkyre, the first woman cacique of her village, will receive IICAā€™s ā€œSoul of Ruralityā€ award, which recognizes Leaders of Rurality of the Americas

The award is part of an initiative of the agency specializing in agricultural and rural development to recognize men and women who are leaving a mark and making a difference in rural areas of the Americas.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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January 25, 2024

The World Organisation for Animal Health, a key organization for global food security, could have its first Latin American Director General

Argentine veterinarian Luis Barcos was presented by the Argentine government as a candidate to head the organization, with regional support. The election will be carried out by the delegates of the countries next May.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


January 25, 2024

IICA Director General meets with EU officials in Brussels to expand cooperation linkages between the Americas and Europe, focusing on the agricultural and rural agenda

Otero exchanged ideas and information with European Commission agricultural, trade, environmental and legal officials in various meetings in the Belgian capital, aimed at furthering collaboration and establishing new linkages in areas such as the bioeconomy; climate change mitigation and adaptation; digital agriculture; family farming and international trade, among others.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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January 23, 2024

Argentinaā€™s Secretary of Agriculture and Director General of IICA give European Union officials details of the potential of the bioeconomy in Latin America

Also taking part in the event were Argentinaā€™s Agricultural AttachĆ© to the EU, GastĆ³n Funes, and ChargĆ© dā€™affaires, Atilio Berardi, along with members of different delegations who perform their duties at the Headquarters of the body responsible for the joint political and economic policies of the European countries.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


January 23, 2024

At global forum, Fernando Mattos, Minister of Agriculture of Uruguay, calls on developed world to compensate countries in the region for losses caused by climate change

El ministro de GanaderĆ­a, Agricultura y Pesca de Uruguay, Fernando Mattos, advirtiĆ³ que los paĆ­ses desarrollados, como mĆ”ximos responsables histĆ³ricos del cambio climĆ”tico, deben compensar a los paĆ­ses en desarrollo que sufren el impacto de los fenĆ³menos climĆ”ticos extremos.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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