May 25, 2023
IICA, the EU, IDB, FAO, FONTAGRO and AGRO-INNOVA organized a forum in Panama to discuss opportunities for bioinput use in agriculture in the Americas and to identify possible areas for joint collaboration.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
May 19, 2023
The winning companies were chosen from a field of 70 applicants. The event will adopt a hybrid—in-person and virtual—format.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
May 19, 2023
Among SENASA’s objectives in aiming to streamline its services are a focus on capacity development, horizontal management, and most of all, determining how to address the changing nature of pests and diseases affecting the agrifood industry, using a One Health approach.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
May 18, 2023
Discussions in this neutral and independent space will also seek to improve the technical quality and relevance of research on agrifood trade in the Americas and strengthen capacities to provide technical guidance and policy recommendations to governments and the private sector.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
May 12, 2023
Suazo, who chairs IICA’s Executive Committee and is the first women at the helm of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Livestock of Honduras, was a speaker in the panel discussion on “Innovation for Integrating and Mainstreaming Agriculture in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) - Lessons Learned from Africa, Asia and Latin America”.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
May 12, 2023
The meeting presented data indicating that investment in innovation and new technologies to address climate change and global hunger is consistently increasing, through the urgent adaptation of agrifood production.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
May 11, 2023
This was the main conclusion of a debate among ministers of Agriculture, private sector representatives and researchers at the Aim for Climate (Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate) Summit – a joint initiative of the governments of the United States and the United Arab Emirates. The latter will host this year’s COP28 meeting, with a mission to increase investments in climate smart agriculture and agrifood system innovation.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
May 10, 2023
The IICA Director General reported that during a side meeting of the AIM for Climate (Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate) Summit—a joint initiative of the governments of the United States and the United Arab Emirates—Otero and Goldfajn had an extensive discussion, addressing issues in their common and overlapping agenda.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
May 9, 2023
This meeting is the first of a series of actions aimed at strengthening the trade policy agenda for agrifood trade in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
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